Refunding a landlord from a supplier

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

Whilst you can refund/receipt landlord monies within Alto, there isn't a direct way to receipt money from a supplier to pay to the landlord.

That said, there are 2 indirect options you can choose between depending on which works best for you.

Option 1 - Receipt the money

  1. Receipt the money from the supplier straight back into the landlords payment group, with a Description of Refund from Supplier or something similar
    (The period statement for the landlord will show the expense, however, on the landlord statement this will show as a Landlord Receipt)


    This will not show as income for the landlord on the Schedule 23 return so you may wish to add this manually

This option will not impact the supplier record or transaction history in any way.

For more information on Receipting money from a landlord, click here

Option 2 - Process the refund via fees

  1. Click Contacts on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant contact (supplier) from Recent & Favourite Contacts
    1.  Alternatively, find the contact (supplier) using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
  3. The supplier Overview will display. Click Actions
  4. Within the dropdown menu, click Charge
  5. Click Add Charge
  6. The Add Charge for window opens
    1. Charge Date - Leave as today's date or amend it if it shouldn't be deducted until a future date
    2. Frequency - In the dropdown menu, click Single
    3. Charge Item - Click Fees, then tick an option from the list 
    4. Description - Enter a Description of Refund from Supplier or something similar
    5. Net Amount - Enter the amount the supplier has returned
    6. Click OK
  7. Tick Raise Now next to the charge you have created
  8. Click Raise Selected
  9. Then, follow step 3 onwards in the following article: Receipting money from a landlord.
    By entering the Amount Received and allocating it against the charge, this will put the money in your agency fees
  10. Now, refund the fees to the landlord. Follow the steps in the following article to raise a negative fee: Refunding a fee to a landlord
  11. Finally, from that same article, follow the steps via Process Agency Fees to update the negative fee and supplier fee together

Once the steps above are completed, the fee refund will show in the landlords payment group.

This will show on the landlord statement as a negative expense.

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