Alto Customer Feedback initiative

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

You voted, we listened

Internally we have launched the Alto Customer Feedback initiative with the aim of working more with our customers to understand your priorities and to give more visibility on our roadmap. 

We invited Alto customers to cast their vote on a selection of items surfaced from our Support teams.

This article details some of our early steps on what we did, what we learned and how this has affected our roadmap.

So...what did we actually do?

what did we do.png

Full details on what's changed


Problem: In the Appraisal side menu tab of a property record, Appraiser Notes disappear when amending or cancelling a market appraisal.

This problem received 4.7% of the customer vote.

What's changed: Appraiser Notes have been decoupled from valuation appointments so the notes will always persist through re-bookings, cancellations or if they exist before a market appraisal is booked.

We've also made the Appraiser Notes field wider so it's easier to view the comments.

Appraiser Notes.png

Problem: When adding a new property, if it's found to be a duplicate, the property cannot be saved.

This problem received 9.94% of the customer vote.

What's changed: We've made a tweak to the new journey to run the duplicate check on loading the property. Previously we only checked on save after information has been edited and significant discussion has happened with the client.

This feature is still in its infancy - we've got some more optimisations coming up so that the information provided to you is more helpful, and allowing you more options on screen at this point.

Add a property.png

Problem: In order to change a property status to Instructed, a market appraisal must be recorded against it.

This problem received 8.07% of the customer vote.

What's changed: We've updated the information message so that you're no longer informed to book a market appraisal in order to instruct a property.

Instruct property.png

Other improvements planned in Q4 thanks to your vote

  • 6.58% - When re-marketing a withdrawn property, the property has to be cloned first
  • 4.33% - At Pre-Appraisal stage, I need to be able to capture notes which are easy to find and also available for a market appraisal form
  • 3.45% - When cloning withdrawn or archived properties, the publication settings are copied to the new property
  • 3.05% - When adding a market appraisal or property, search results for existing contacts only show the name and address

Related articles:

2023 Release Notes section of the Help Centre

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