Viewing the Referrals dashboard

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

Within Alto, you'll earn commission every time you make a successful referral with one of our linked partners or conveyancers.

So, to stay on top of things, you can keep track of all of your referrals with the Referrals dashboard.

  1. Click Reports on the main toolbar
  2. In the dropdown menu, click Referrals dashboard

If referrals have been made (either via one of our referral integrations or as a Conveyancer referral/case), you can view an analytical/graphical view within the dashboard to easily understand:

  • The number of referrals made
  • The status of referrals (at an individual contact level)
    • Referred - One or more referrals have been sent to an individual contact, but are still pending
    • In progress - If an individual contact chooses one of the conveyancers that've been referred, they become instructed and therefore show as in progress
    • Lost - A single loss is represented if an individual contact doesn't choose any of the conveyancers that've been referred, within the 14 days that the quote is valid
    • Payment due - A successful referral that resulted in an instruction, that's tied to a transaction, and is now complete
  • Who the top referrers are
  • Any upcoming referral payments
    • Referred - Your potential pipeline payment
    • In progress - Payment that is confirmed for when the transaction completes
    • Payment due - Payment that is due as the transaction is now completed
    • Invoiced - Payment that has been invoiced

Alto conveyancing - referrals dashboard  1.png

You can also click View full conveyancer table to drill into leaderboard details which you may find useful for:

  • Running any incentives programs
  • Understanding how different conveyancers perform compared to others
  • Tracking and understanding what payments are scheduled (i.e. referral fees)

Alto conveyancing - referrals dashboard 2.png

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