Adding landlord bank account details

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

When a Landlord has been set up as a contact, it's important to ensure their bank account details are added, to ensure successful payment in future.

To add banking details for a Landlord:

  1. Click Contacts on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant landlord from Recent & Favourite Contacts
    1. Alternatively, find the landlord using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
  3. Click Contact on the side menu
  4. Click Bank Details on the top tab
  5. Click Add Bank Account
  6. If the bank already exists in your system, to locate it use the Search bar, or, select a bank from the list and click Select
  7. Click Confirm
  8. The Add Bank Account Details window appears. Enter the bank account information for your landlord 
  9. Click Add to save

Alternatively, if the bank isn't listed at step 6, you can add a new bank account.

  1. To add a new bank, branch, and sort code to the list, click Add New
  2. Select the bank name from the Bank dropdown menu
  3. Enter the bank Branch Name
  4. Enter the Sort Code
  5. Enter the Postcode
  6. Click Ok


  7. When the details have been verified as correct, click Confirm
  8. The Add Bank Account Details window appears. Enter the bank account information for your landlord 
  9. Click Add to save


  10. If you intend to pay the Landlord via BACS, click Payment Groups on the top tab
  11. Click the cog to the right of the relevant payment group
  12. The Configure Payment Group window will appear. Ensure that BACS is selected as the Payment Method
  13. In the Payment To field, select the bank account that you will be paying the payment in to
  14. Click Save 



You can have multiple payment groups against each Landlord and each payment group can contain individual or multiple properties

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