When a Landlord has been set up as a contact, it's important to ensure their bank account details are added, to ensure successful payment in future.
To add banking details for a Landlord:
- Click Contacts on the main toolbar
Select the relevant landlord from Recent & Favourite Contacts
- Alternatively, find the landlord using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
- Click Contact on the side menu
- Click Bank Details on the top tab
- Click Add Bank Account
- If the bank already exists in your system, to locate it use the Search bar, or, select a bank from the list and click Select
- Click Confirm
- The Add Bank Account Details window appears. Enter the bank account information for your landlord
- Click Add to save
Alternatively, if the bank isn't listed at step 6, you can add a new bank account.
- To add a new bank, branch, and sort code to the list, click Add New
- Select the bank name from the Bank dropdown menu
- Enter the bank Branch Name
- Enter the Sort Code
- Enter the Postcode
- Click Ok
- When the details have been verified as correct, click Confirm
- The Add Bank Account Details window appears. Enter the bank account information for your landlord
- Click Add to save
- If you intend to pay the Landlord via BACS, click Payment Groups on the top tab
- Click the cog to the right of the relevant payment group
- The Configure Payment Group window will appear. Ensure that BACS is selected as the Payment Method
- In the Payment To field, select the bank account that you will be paying the payment in to
- Click Save
You can have multiple payment groups against each Landlord and each payment group can contain individual or multiple properties