Adding a room on a property

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

In a property record, you have the option to add a room, a paragraph, and link corresponding photos. When adding a paragraph, there is also the option to select a standard paragraph from your library.

Depending on the information your agency prefers to include in your property description, you have the flexibility to add either a room name, its dimensions in metric or imperial, and a room description. Alternatively, you can choose to add just one of these options, tailoring it to suit your brochure and portal feed. 


All details completed in property Rooms will upload to portals

To add a room and a paragraph on a property:

  1. Click Properties on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
    1.  Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
  3. Click Rooms on the side menu
  4. In the Rooms top tab, click Add Room
  5. You have the option to add as much or as little detail to the room:
    1. Name - Describes the name of the room 
    2. Size (m) - Add the room measurement. Alto will convert the measurement into Size (ft) 
    3. Size (ft) - Add the room measurement. Alto will convert the measurement into Size (m)
    4. Description - Add a description for the room (optional)  
    5. Click Link Photo. If you have uploaded property photos in Media (on the side menu), you can choose a photo to link to this room. Hold down Ctrl on your keyboard to select multiple photos
    6. Click Done 
  6. If you don't use individual rooms or if you only want to add a paragraph, click Add Paragraph
    1. Header - The title of the paragraph 
    2. Insert a Standard Paragraph - Open the dropdown menu to display and select from a list of your standard paragraphs
    3. Edit your selected Standard Paragraph or add your own text in the field
  7. Click Expand All to view the name, measurements and description of every room and paragraph entered
    1. Click and drag each room or paragraph to re-order the list, if necessary
    2. Click the grid symbol to expand the view of each room or paragraph
    3. Once expanded, click Delete to remove a room or paragraph if it's no longer required
  8. Click Save


If you market leasehold properties or add a disclaimer on individual properties, you can add these details to an existing standard paragraph. You would do this upon reaching step 6 above

Related articles: 

Adding a new property and searching for properties

Creating a standard paragraph for Email, SMS and Rooms

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