Credit a charge on an applicant

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

You can easily credit back, or, reverse a charge or invoice raised on an applicant record. In addition to this process, you will also generate a credit note.


If you have receipted monies against a charge, you will need to reverse the receipt prior to being able to process a charge credit

  1. Click Contact on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant contact (applicant) from Recent & Favourite Contacts
    1. Alternatively, find the contact (applicant) using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
  3. Click Transactions on the side menu
  4. On the Charge line that you wish to reverse, click ... (Actions) on the right of the relevant charge
  5. The Credit Charge window appears asking you to confirm that you wish to raise a credit to cancel the charge. Click Yes to reverse the charge

A record of the charge credit will be at the top of your list of Transactions and a record of the credit note can be found on the applicants Timeline.

Related articles: 

Receipting money on a tenancy

Receipting monies held on an applicant

Reversing a receipt on an applicant

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