Adding keys to a property

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

If your agency holds a key set for a property, you can record the set with the corresponding key number on the property record. Once recorded on a property record, the keys can be checked out and back in, and on each occasion, a record is saved on the Timeline of who borrowed the keys and when their expected Return Date is. 

To add keys to a property:

  1. Click Properties on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
    1. Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
  3. Click Keys on the side menu
  4. Click Add Key Set
  5. The Add Key Set window appears
    1. In the Key Set field, enter the key tag number you will allocate to this set of keys 
    2. Enter a Description that describes the house keys you are holding in the set, i.e. front and back door
    3. In the Keys In Set field, enter how many keys you are holding in the set, i.e. 2
    4. In the Security field, enter any entry information such as an alarm or lockbox code
    5. Enter any Notes that are relevant to all the above details
  6. Click OK to add the set
  7. Click Save to store the key set information on the property record


Completed details of the keys will be seen in the following areas:

  • Recorded on the Timeline for the property
  • In the Diary when booking a viewing
  • On the printed agenda (Except Security and Notes)

Related articles: 

Remove keys from a property

Checking which Keys are signed out (Key Book) Report

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