Renewing or editing a tenancy

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

In Alto, it's important you know how to effectively manage the tenancy renewal process. As such, outlined below are the steps involved in how to renew a fixed term tenancy and how you can use the renewal process to edit an existing active tenancy.

This article includes: 


An active tenancy Term, contract Type, Rental Amount or Rental Frequency cannot be edited once a tenancy has been finalised without completing the renew tenancy process


You cannot add or remove any tenants on a tenancy that has been finalised and is active. The only way to add or remove tenants from a tenancy is to end the existing tenancy and to set up a new one. A record of the ended tenancy will be retained against the property in the Tenancy side menu
For more information about Vacating a tenancy, click here
For more information on Creating and starting a tenancy, click here

Starting the renewal process

  1. Click Tenancies on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant tenancy from Recent & Favourite Tenancies
    1. Alternatively, find the tenancy using the Search Tenancies bar in the top right
  3. Click Tenancy on the side menu
  4. Click Renew Tenancy
  5. A Tenant Fees Act 2019 warning may appear. To proceed, click Continue
    For more information on Deposit and tenancy fee warning triangles, click here
  6. The Renew Tenancy window opens
    1. You can change the contract type from the Contract dropdown menu, if required
    2. The Start Date will default to the day after the End Date on the previous tenancy. You can edit this, if required
    3. The First Full Rent Date will default to the tenancy Start Date entered. You can edit this if required, i.e if the tenancy start date is the 20th but the tenant pays their rent on the 1st
    4. Enter the Term of the tenancy in Months or Years
    5. The End Date will be calculated based on the Start Date and Term you have entered. Again, this can be edited if required
    6. Edit the Rental Frequency by selecting the new rental frequency from the dropdown menu
    7. Add a Break Clause if this is applicable
    8. The Rental Amount will default to be the same rental amount as the tenancy you are renewing. If there has been a change in the rental amount agreed, you can edit the Rental Amount by overtyping the amount in the box
    9. Click Amend if you want to reduce or increase the deposit amount held, or to change where the deposit is registered
      For more information on Partial deposit refund for an insured deposit scheme, click here
      For more information on Partial deposit refund for a custodial deposit scheme, click here
    10. The Renewal Date and the Notice Date are based on the tenancy End Date. You can edit these dates, if required
    11. Change the Number of Occupants by typing the relevant number in
    12. Add or edit the Occupant Details
  7. When you have completed the required changes, click Start Renewal
  8. On the Tenancy record, click Progression on the newly created term
  9. Check all the information is correct. If needs be, on the right of the screen, you can:
    1. Add notes
    2. Send e-mails
    3. Send SMS (cost)
    4. Amend review dates and target vacate dates

Managing the tenancy renewal process

There are two places in Alto where you can effectively manage tenancy renewal progression. They are Progressions, or from your Property Management Dashboard Tenancy Renewals screen.

For Progressions:

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click Tenancy Renewals on the side menu, within the Lettings section
  3. Select the tenancy you want to update and click the property address to open up the Tenancy Renewal Progression

For Property Management Dashboard Tenancy Renewals:

  1. The screen is accessed from the Property Management Dashboard


 Best practice

On the Progressions screen, before Finalising the Let, it is good practice to go through the Progress tab within the Transaction Management section. Not all of the items will be relevant and they aren't mandatory, but it remains best practice nonetheless. If you don't wish to enter any of the dates in the Progress tab, you can continue to follow the remaining steps

Activate the new tenancy term

  1. At the top of the screen, click Actions
  2. In the dropdown menu, click Finalise Let
  3. A Tenant Fees Act 2019 warning may appear. Review and edit the tenancy accordingly and when you are happy to proceed, click Continue
  4. The Finalise Renewal screen appears. Review the tenancy and confirm the linked property and landlord details are correct
  5. Click OK to proceed with the renewal and it will now be complete
  6. At this stage, a new reoccurring rent charge will be created that will be raised automatically on the relevant rent due date
  7. If there are any expired charges, click Expired
  8. Click Delete Charge
  9. Click Yes to confirm you want to delete the charge

If you need the rent to be demanded in order to process the rent for your landlord, rather than waiting for Alto to raise the charge at a later date:

  1. Click the tickbox next to the relevant charge
  2. Click Raise Selected
  3. Click Raise Selected again. The next rent demand will now appear and you can go on to receipt the rent in the normal way

Related articles: 

How to produce a tenancy agreement

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