If held money has been allocated incorrectly to an outstanding charge, it can still be reversed. However, once Monies Held have been applied to a charge, you no longer have the ability to carry out a receipt reversal or refund the Monies Held.
The reversal of Monies Held after it has been allocated to a charge will need to be shown as a refund to the tenant. The monies can then be receipted back on to the tenancy, this creating a contra entry on your tenancy transactions and bank reconciliation.
If you are refunding rent, there may be a commission component related to this. In these instances, you'll need to update agency fees before updating the landlord Payment screen where a rent refund is processed or a correction applied
- Click Tenancies on the main toolbar
- Select the relevant tenancy from Recent & Favourite Tenancies
- Alternatively, find the tenancy using the Search Tenancies bar in the top right
- Click Actions
- Within the dropdown menu, click Refund
- The Refunds For This Tenancy window opens
- Refund Date - Enter or edit the date for the refund
- Refund Type - From the dropdown, click Internet
- Send Refund - Untick this, otherwise a refund note will be sent to the tenant by their preferred delivery type
- Refund from Client Account - Select which bank account you are refunding the money from
- Bank Reference - Add a reference if necessary
- Click Add Refund Item
- Charge Item - This must be the same as the item the held monies was applied to in error. For example, if Monies Held was used against a Rent charge, you must post the Refund Item for Rent
- Description - Edit this if required
- Net Amount - Add the amount
- Click OK
- The Total to Refund now shows the amount you are reversing. Click Update
If the monies were allocated in error and you still hold the money in your account, you must receipt the money back onto the relevant record so it is available to allocate to the correct charge.