A tenancy can have money refunded for reimbursement of a landlord expense, over payment of rent, or a rent refund.
If you are refunding rent, there may be a commission component related to this. In these instances, you'll need to update agency fees before updating the landlord Payment screen where a rent refund is processed or a correction applied
- Click Tenancies on the main toolbar
Select the relevant tenancy from Recent & Favourite Tenancies
- Alternatively, find the tenancy using the Search Tenancies bar in the top right
- Click Actions
- In the dropdown menu, click Refund
- The Refunds For This Tenancy window opens
- Refund Date - Set this as the date for which you will be making the refund to the tenants
- Refund Type - From the dropdown, select the method which your agency processes their payments through the bank
- Send Refund - You can tick this if you want to send a refund remittance advice to your tenant via their preferred delivery method
- Refund from Client Account - Select the client account from which the refund is going to be paid
- Bank Reference - If there is a specific reference you would like to add, it can be written here
- Refund Reference - This is automatically updated with a refund number
- Click Add Refund Item
- The Add Refund Item window appears
Charge Item - If the refund is for rent, click Landlord Income and tick Rent
If the refund is for maintenance, paid by the tenant which the landlord is going to reimburse, click Landlord Income and tick Sundry - Description - Edit as required
- Net Amount - Enter the amount of the refund
- Total Charge - Ensure this is correct and click OK
Charge Item - If the refund is for rent, click Landlord Income and tick Rent
- If the Total To Refund is correct, click Update
If the refund is for a landlord Charge Item, when the landlord has sufficient funds, the updated Total To Refund amount will appear as a debit on their landlord statement.
Refunds cannot be paid until the landlord has funds available. If the landlord has insufficient funds, it may be because the management fee needs refunding if the rent is still on the Payment screen. Alternatively, the landlord may need to return the money.