eSign resend and void

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

If your eSign document hasn't been received by the recipient and needs to be resent, the original  document can be located on the Timeline or from the eSignatures Main Dashboard widget, and resent to one or all recipients at any stage before it has been fully signed. 

Should any amendments or changes need to be made to the document or if the eSign document is no longer required by either the recipient or agency, the process is to void the original document and resend a new one to all the recipients.

This article includes: 


A document can be resent to one or all recipients at any stage before it has been signed, providing it is the same email address which the document was first sent.

Whilst the steps below detail resending from a tenancy record, you can also follow them from Contacts. It merely depends on where you created the eSign document.

  1. Click Tenancies on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant tenancy from Recent & Favourite Tenancies
    1. Alternatively, find the tenancy using the Search Tenancies bar in the top right
  3. Click Timeline on the side menu
  4. Locate the eSign entry and click the eSign icon to the right of the entry
  5. The Signatories window opens. A document can be either resent to an individual, or to all recipients
    1. Click  next to the individual to send it to a single recipient who is yet to sign
    2. Click Resend All to resend it to everyone in the list who are yet to sign
  6. A message appears confirming that an Electronic Signature request is queued to resend
  7. Click Here on the Timeline to view the Audit Trail of events as they are updated 

During the resend process, the Signatories window will show the status of the document.



Alternatively, you can void a document if it is no longer valid. This could be due to the recipient's email being incorrect or because the document content requires a change or is no longer required.  

  1. Click Tenancies on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant tenancy from Recent & Favourite Tenancies
    1. Alternatively, find the tenancy using the Search Tenancies bar in the top right
  3. Click Timeline on the side menu
  4. Locate the eSign entry and click the eSign icon to the right of the entry
  5. The Signatories window opens. Click Void 
  6. In the Reason for voiding window, enter a reason for voiding the document and click OK
  7. Click Yes to confirm that you want to void the request
  8. Each recipient will receive an email notifying them that the document has been voided with the reason you added in step 6
  9. The Timeline entry icon will change to Voided. Click Here on the Timeline to view the Audit Trail of events, as they are updated 


You can only void documents which haven't been signed by all parties. Therefore, it isn't possible to void a finalised eSign document if all parties have signed it


Both the eSignatures Main Dashboard widget and eSignatures on the Home screen side menu will update with a breakdown, in 7-day intervals, of how many documents have been voided.
For more information on Managing eSign documents from the home screen, click here

Related articles: 

Adding eSigning merge codes to letter templates

eSign authorised signatory

Sending documents for eSigning

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