Progressing a vacating tenancy

Neil Jowett
Neil Jowett
  • Updated

Alto can help you easily manage the progression of a tenancy, through the defined tasks that are to be followed, until such time as the vacation is finalised.
For more information on Vacating a tenancy, click here

To help you, each section below acts as a process walkthrough.


The list of progress tasks that you see when vacating a tenancy may differ from the ones that appear in these examples. This is because the list can be customised in System Administration by your appointed Group Administrator
For more information on Setting up default settings in Group Settings, click here

This article includes: 

How to add a progression note

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click Vacating Property on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant vacation that's to be progressed, from the list
  4. In the Letting Dates section, click Add Note
  5. The Add Transaction Note window opens. In the Involved Parties list, confirm which other Timeline(s) the note should be added to. Select and/or add other contacts using the search bar if required, or, untick parties to prevent the note being added to their Timeline
  6. Type any relevant notes into the Notes field
  7. If the note is in response to direct communication with the parties, we recommend you tick Update Last Contacted Date. This makes it clear on the parties' records when they were last spoken to
  8. Click Save

The new note appears in the progression notes and also in the Timeline(s) of the Involved Parties.


We recommend keeping the progression notes up to date in order to keep your colleagues appraised of the vacations current progress

How to send an email

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click Vacating Property on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant vacation that's to be progressed, from the list
  4. In the Letting Dates section, click Send E-Mail
  5. The Send Mail window opens. In the To field, add or remove recipients
  6. In the Subject field, type a suitable title
  7. Tick Update Last Contacted Date if appropriate
  8. Type the required email message
  9. Click Send

The email message that's sent appears in the Timeline(s) of the Involved Parties.

How to send an SMS

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click Vacating Property on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant vacation that's to be progressed, from the list
  4. In the Letting Dates section, click Send SMS
  5. The Send SMS window opens. In the To field, add or remove recipients
  6. Tick Update Last Contacted Date if appropriate
  7. In the SMS Text field, enter the required text message (up to 160 characters max)
  8. Click Send

The SMS message that's sent appears in the Timeline(s) of the Involved Parties.

How to progress/complete a task

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click Vacating Property on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant vacation that's to be progressed, from the list
  4. In the Transaction Management section, click the Progress tab to list the progression tasks that are to be completed when vacating a tenancy
  5. Click the relevant task that is to be progressed
  6. A task window opens. Click In Progress or Complete to change the Status of the task
  7. If required, in the Assigned to dropdown menu, click a name to reassign the task to someone else
  8. Target/Due Date for the task can be entered, or selected using the calendar
  9. If required, the task can be given a Priority. In the dropdown menu, click LowNormal, or High
  10. Enter any Notes to keep your colleagues appraised of the tasks current progress
    1. If the task status has been changed to Complete, the Completed date will default to todays date. You can amend this by overtyping it, or, by selecting the relevant date using the calendar
  11. Click Save

If the task status is In Progress, it will be coloured orange to indicate this in the list.

If the task status is Complete, it will be coloured green to indicate this in the list.

It will also be shown dated, with a tick alongside, to show that it's no longer outstanding. The Progress meter will increase by a percentage accordingly.

How to add a custom task

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click Vacating Property on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant vacation that's to be progressed, from the list
  4. In the Transaction Management section, click the Progress tab to list the progression tasks that are to be completed when vacating a tenancy
  5. Click + Add Custom Task
  6. The Custom Task window opens. The Status of the task is currently Pending as it's new, but you can amend it if required
  7. Type a name for this task in the Description field
  8. If required, in the Assigned to dropdown menu, click a name to reassign the task to someone else
  9. Target/Due Date for the task can be entered, or selected using the calendar
  10. If required, the task can be given a Priority. In the dropdown menu, click LowNormal, or High
  11. Enter any Notes relating to the task
  12. Click Save

The new task appears at the bottom of the tasks list, and can be progressed like any other.

How to cancel a task

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click Vacating Property on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant vacation that's to be progressed, from the list
  4. In the Transaction Management section, click the Progress tab to list the progression tasks that are to be completed when vacating a tenancy
  5. Click the relevant task that is to be cancelled
  6. A task window opens. Click Cancel
  7. Click Yes - Cancel This Task when asked if you wish to proceed

In the list of tasks, this task is now marked as Cancelled.

How to update letting dates

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click Vacating Property on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant vacation that's to be updated, from the list
  4. To indicate when the tenancy vacation should next be reviewed, in the Letting Dates section, update the Review Date. To do this, type in a new date, or, click the calendar to select the date
  5. If a new date of vacation has been agreed, update the Target Vacate Date. To do this, type in a new date, or, click the calendar to select the date

How to finalise vacation

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click Vacating Property on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant vacation that's to be progressed, from the list
  4. Click Actions
  5. In the dropdown menu, click Finalise Vacation
  6. The Finalise Vacation window opens. Type in any relevant Notes
  7. Click OK

How to cancel vacation

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click Vacating Property on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant vacation that's to be cancelled, from the list
  4. Click Actions
  5. In the dropdown menu, click Cancel Vacation
  6. The Cancel Vacation window opens. Type in any relevant Notes
  7. Click OK

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