Sending documents for eSigning

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

Once eSigning is activated in PropertyFile, your agency can manage documents sent for eSign from both the eSignatures Main Dashboard widget and eSignatures on the Home screen side menu to ensure all documents sent by eSign are fully signed by all parties. 

This article includes: 

Set up eSigning

There are several steps you need to carry out initially, before you can start using eSigning from your Alto software. They include:

Finalise a document to eSign

Whether your document is merged as an adhoc letter or is triggered by an event, you can edit the document as usual before you send your document by eSign.

To finalise a document to eSign:

  1. Create and edit your chosen letter
  2. Click Finalise 
  3. Click E-Sign 
  4. The Send for Electronic Signatures window opens 
    1. Signatories - This field includes all the names of those associated with the record 
      1. Click the dropdown arrow to view all parties with their email address
      2. Tick to include, or untick to exclude, from sending 
      3. The colour Blue signifies a vendor or landlord, Purple signifies an agency signing on behalf the landlord, and Pink signifies a tenancy
    2. CC - Another party can be added, provided they are a contact, but they won't be able to sign
    3. Subject - This adds the name of the letter template. This can be overtyped, if required
    4. Unique Ref - This is a system generated ID and should not be deleted 
    5. Remind After ..... days - An automatic reminder will be sent at this interval of days, to any recipients who have not yet signed their document. The number of days can be edited if required
    6. Agent Signing? - If your agency signs on behalf of the landlord, tick the box and select from the dropdown menu
    7. Message - You can edit and overtype any text as required
  5. Click Send


Invalid or no email address

If any of your recipients do not have an email address recorded on their Alto record, a warning triangle will appear before their name in the Signatories field.

  1. Click the Warning Triangle 
  2. The Select Recipient Addresses window opens. Add an email address in the blank field 
  3. Click Select. The email will be sent to the specified email address, and the email address will be saved back to the contact record


Edit default eSign request message

The default email Message sent to your customers when they receive a request to electronically sign a document, can be edited before being sent, or can be changed permanently.  


You will need access to System Administration, to edit your default settings. Your appointed Group Administrator will have access to these permissions

  1. Click Tools on the main toolbar
  2. In the dropdown menu, click Templates and admin
  3. On the side menu, under System Tools, click System Administration
  4. Click Email Templates
  5. Navigate to the following email template:
    1. EmailSigningRequest - The text here is the default text sent to signatories. The text is wrapped in the HTML code which defines the formatting the recipient will see
    2. EmailSigningRequestCopy - This email template contains text which is sent to recipients listed as CC's which differs slightly to what is sent to signatories. The text is wrapped in the HTML code which defines the formatting the recipient will see

Timeline entry

An entry is added to the Contacts, associated property and/or Tenancy Timeline when a document has been sent for eSigning.

  1. Click the Document Name to display the completed document when signed by the recipients
  2. Click Audit trail to view the signing activity and IP address used by the recipients
  3. Click the Timeline entry to see a status of each recipients signing


Summary and explanation of each status


Related articles: 

Email Templates

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