Progressing a sale

Neil Jowett
Neil Jowett
  • Updated

Alto makes it easy for you to manage the progression of a sale/property purchase. The Progressions tab provides you with a list of all your sales in progression, and from there you can manage each individual sale via the use of progression tasks that are to be followed, until such time as the sale has completed.

To help you, each section below acts as a process walkthrough and links out to the relevant articles. 

This article includes:

How to access a sale progression

There are two ways you can access the progression of a sale:

From Progressions:

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click All Sales on the side menu
    1. You can filter the sales by Status, Property Branch or Negotiator if you need to narrow down the number of sales listed
  3. Click the relevant sale from the list

From Properties (i.e. the property record):

  1. Click Properties on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
    1. Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
  3. Click Actions
  4. In the dropdown menu, click Sales Progression

Progressing a sale can involve many actions so please refer to the appropriate article.

Finding and filtering sales

Filtering sales in progress

Finding previously lost sales

Finding the sales progression information on a completed property

Sales in progress grouped by solicitor

Sales Pipeline report

Communicating with parties involved in a sale

Record all important notes (with the ability to share them) all in one place, and quickly view and communicate with buyers, sellers and conveyancers:

Adding a sales progression note

Sending a sales progression email

Sending a sales progression SMS

Working through sale progress tasks

Assign and track timed reminders to chase pre-defined (and custom) tasks when needed:

 Best practice

Whilst it isn't mandatory to complete all of the tasks in order to progress a sale, we recommend it as it enables you to check that everything that should have been done, has been done. 

As each task completed advances the progress meter, everyone can quickly see how far every sale has reached from the progression screen without having to go into each and every sale

Adding, completing and cancelling sales progression tasks


The list of progress tasks that you see when progressing a sale may differ from the one that appears in these examples as this list can be customised in System Administration by your appointed Group Administrator
For more information on Setting up default settings in Group Settings, click here

Updating the sales status

Updating sales progression target dates

Updating the sale review date

Adding or changing solicitors on a sale in progress

Navigating chain details and adding properties

Renegotiating a sale in progress

Changing the deal owner for a sale

Changing the status of a sale in progress

Changing the pipeline status of a sale in progress

Exchanging a sale in progress

Completing an exchanged sale

Generating Sales letters

Reverting an exchanged sale back to in progress

Ending a sale that's no longer proceeding

Withdrawing a sale in progress

Losing a contract race

Updating a sale in progress if sold externally

Updating an exchanged sale after failing to complete


Showing the original offer of a sale in progress

Printing notes from a sale in progress

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