Financial services referrals

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

You can easily record and manage financial service referrals on Alto. However, you must first grant consent for them. To do this:

  1. Click Contacts on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant contact from Recent & Favourite Contacts
    1. Alternatively, find the contact using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
  3. Click Contact on the side menu
  4. Click the Preference Centre top tab
  5. You can now record your client's consent status, the date consent was obtained, and by whom/or how this consent was gained
    For more information on Preference Centre - GDPR consent, click here

Once consent has been granted for financial service referrals via Alto, that section of the contact record will be available to use for sending financial referrals. 

  1. Click the Position top tab
  2. In the Financial Services section, click the relevant Action from the dropdown menu
  3. Add any relevant Notes. These notes will then get added to the referral email that Alto will generate to your financial advisor
  4. In the Referred To (External) field, search for and click on the financial advisor. (If they are not already in Alto, you will have to add the financial advisor as a new contact)
  5. Click Save and the Financial Services Referral email for your financial advisor will be generated

Related articles: 

Creating a group - consent features. This will allow you to create a group of contacts that you have referred for financial services

Financial services report. This report will show all your financial services referrals, as well as your conveyancing referrals

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