Adding a signature to a letter template

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

A users physical signature can be added to a letter template so when the letter is produced, the signature appears on the letter before being sent. 


You will need access to System Administration, to add the image into your Group settings. Your appointed Group Administrator will have access to these permissions

This article includes: 

Upload a signature image

To add a physical signature image to a letter template, you must first sign a white piece of paper, scan it, and save it to your computer in a .jpg format, rendering it printable.

  1. Click Tools on the main toolbar
  2. In the dropdown menu, click Templates and admin
  3. On the side menu, under System Tools, click System Administration
  4. Click Group Users
  5. Find the user using the Search bar
  6. Click Edit next to the user
  7. Scroll down to Media Items and click Upload New File
    1. Caption - Add the name of your image
    2. Media Type - Click Public Image from the dropdown menu
    3. Sub Type - Click Signature Image for Letters from the dropdown menu
    4. Choose File - Navigate to where your signature is saved on your computer or network, and click Open
    5. Click Upload

The image is now stored on the user record and is ready to pull through to any correspondence where the signature merge field is inserted.

Add merge field to a letter template

Add the #signature# merge code to all letter templates where you wish to use the physical signature.
For more information on a List of merge codes for letter templates, click here
For more information on Adding merge codes to a letter template, click here

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