Adding supplier bank details

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

If your agency pays your suppliers by BACS, or if you keep a record of their bank details for internet payments, you can add the suppliers bank account details to their supplier record.

To add banking details for a supplier:

  1. Click Contacts on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant supplier from Recent & Favourite Contacts
    1. Alternatively, find the supplier using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
  3. Click Contact on the side menu
  4. Click the Bank Details top tab
  5. Click Add Bank Account
  6. Locate the suppliers bank in the list and click Select
  7. Click Confirm
  8. Enter the bank details for the supplier
    1. Account Name - The name in which the account is held and whom payment is to be made to
    2. Account Number - The account number to which payment is to be made
    3. BDC Number - Used by some banks for making BACS payments (check with your bank)
    4. Account Reference - Enter either the agency name or property address
  9. Click Add


Alternatively, if the bank isn't listed, you can add a new bank account for use now and in the future.

  1. Click Add Bank Account
  2. Click Add New
  3. Enter the relevant bank branch details and click Ok


  4. When the details have been verified as correct, click Confirm
  5. Enter the bank details for the supplier and click Add

Related articles: 

Adding a supplier

Supplier payment terms

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