Email tracking

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

Email tracking allows you to identify when an email has been sent, successfully delivered, and opened by a recipient, by looking at the respective Recent Activity on the Overview screen, and the Timeline.

When an email is sent to a contact, an entry appears on the corresponding Timeline, along with a symbol on the right of the line, representing the status of the email.

This article includes: 

Tracking an email

  1. Click Contacts on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant contact from Recent & Favourite Contacts
    1. Alternatively, find the contact using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
  3. Click Timeline on the side menu
  4. Click All On/Off to clear the view
  5. Click Comms and Synced Emails to filter the timeline to show all email correspondence
  6. Click the Email Tracking symbol on the right of the email line
  7. The Email Tracking window opens displaying its tracking status


Multiple recipients status

When an email is sent to multiple recipients, the Property/Tenancy record will reflect the most successful delivery position; i.e. if an email is sent to 2 parties, 1 has opened the email and the other is yet to receive the email, the Timeline displays an opened status.

If you click on the email symbol, details for both recipients display. 

Failed status

A failed status will identify the failure in two ways:

  • The format of the email address is invalid
  • The recipient email address cannot be found


Tracking status icons

Status Description
mceclip0.png Email first sent
mceclip1.png Email successfully delivered to recipient
mceclip2.png Email opened by the recipient
mceclip3.png Email delayed by a third-party provider (Alto will automatically retry)
mceclip4.png Email has failed to be delivered to the recipient

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