Dashboard - suppliers to pay

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

You can view all invoices that are due to be paid to a supplier, from the Suppliers to Pay widget on the Property Management Dashboard. You can:

  • Pay suppliers in bulk
  • Pay a supplier individually
  • Produce a remittance to your supplier with details of the invoices you are paying
  • Part pay an invoice
  • Exclude payment
  • View a breakdown of commission amount due

A supplier will only appear on the Property Management Dashboard when there is money available to pay them. Any supplier who doesn't have any funds to be paid, can be viewed from the individual supplier record where a view of all outstanding invoices can be seen.
For more information on Paying a supplier, click here

This article includes: 

Supplier payments in bulk

  1. Click Home on the main toolbar
  2. Click Property Management Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. Scroll down and click the refresh icon on the Suppliers to Pay - Click to Calculate widget
  4. The number of suppliers and the total amount to be paid displays. Click the Suppliers to Pay widget
  5. The Supplier Payments window opens. A list of each supplier with funds available to pay, displays
    1. All Bank Accounts - Use the dropdown menu to select an individual bank account, or all
    2. All Payment Methods - Use the dropdown menu to select an individual type of payment method, or all
    3. Include Part Payments - Click X to remove any suppliers from the list where part payment of an invoice can be paid. Alternatively, click the tick to include those suppliers
    4. Apply Payment Terms - Click X to remove any suppliers from the list where payment terms are applied. Alternatively, click the tick to include those suppliers
      For more information on Supplier payment terms, click here
  6. Use the Search bar to find a supplier, an amount, or payment type, in the list
  7. Click the tick on the left of a row to include the suppliers you wish to pay
  8. Click Pay Suppliers to generate a remittance advice by their preferred account delivery method

Supplier payments individually

  1. Follow steps 1-4 above
  2. The Supplier Payments window opens. A list of each supplier with funds available to pay, displays
  3. Click on an individual line to view a breakdown of the supplier payment
  4. The Payments For This Supplier window opens
    1. Include - In the column, tick and untick the items that you want to include or exclude from payment
    2. Amount Due - This is the total amount of the invoice entered for that charge item
    3. Available - This indicates if funds are available to pay the invoice, and if part can be paid, or none at all
    4. Allocated - The amount which can be paid. It can be edited to reduce the amount, if required. If there is an i (information) symbol, click it to show where a commission calculation has been made on the invoice
    5. Click Update to produce the remittance advice and send it by email or print, depending on their delivery type


Related articles: 

Adding a supplier

Setting the Property Management Dashboard as default

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