Dashboard - unallocated credits

Neil Jowett
Neil Jowett
  • Updated

The Unallocated Credits widget on the Property Management Dashboard shows the number, and total amount, of outstanding negative invoices. From here, you're able to view and resolve all outstanding negative invoices.

There may be times when a contact appears on the Property Management Dashboard. This will be due to there being an outstanding negative invoice on their ledger.

This article includes: 

Clear an unallocated credit

  1. Click Home on the main toolbar
  2. Click Property Management Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. Scroll down to view the Unallocated Credits widget. To see the list, click the displayed number of Unallocated Credits
  4. In the Unallocated Credits window, click the relevant row that you wish to amend, in order to open the receipt screen
  5. You can now view any outstanding charges and allocate the credit(s) to them, to process the negative invoice(s). You should only clear one negative invoice at a time and so, tick the box against the outstanding charge that you wish to allocate credit(s) to
  6. The outstanding charge will automatically tick and deduct the negative amount
  7. Click Update

Once the negative charge has been receipted, it no longer shows in the widget.

Credit a negative charge raised in error

  1. Under the relevant option on the main toolbar, search for and select the record that has the invalid charge
  2. Click Transactions on the side menu
  3. Find the entry for the invalid charge in the list of transactions
  4. Click the three dots to the right of the invalid charge, to credit it

Once the negative charge has been credited, it no longer shows in the widget.

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