Within Alto, you can enter an offer that's been received from a prospective tenant, on a lettings property.
The offer can be made from the Make an Offer screen which can be accessed in any one of three ways, either from the Main Dashboard, from the property, or from the contact (the applicant).
Whichever method is followed, in every case, appropriate tasks will be created in the Tasks widget of the Main Dashboard to ensure that the offer is handled accordingly
This article includes:
- Entering an offer received from a prospective tenant via the Main Dashboard
- Entering an offer received from a prospective tenant via the property
- Entering an offer received from a prospective tenant via the contact (the applicant)
Entering an offer received from a prospective tenant via the Main Dashboard
- Click Home on the main toolbar
- Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
- In the Tasks widget, click Viewings
- In the list, find the entry that relates to the applicants appointment to view the property and click Viewing
- The Viewing window opens. Click Make an Offer
- A message appears, asking "Make an offer on this property using the details from this viewing?". Click Yes
- The New Offer window opens. In The Offer section, enter the price offered. Alternatively, move the slider to indicate the percentage of the marketed price being offered
- Type any relevant information into the About the Offer, Financial Notes, and Estimated Dates fields
- Click Save
- You may then be offered the opportunity to create appropriate letters relating to the offer. These can be handled like any other letter
For more information on how to Create and send an event driven letter, click here
Don't forget to use the filter(s) if you cannot find the viewing in the Tasks list
Entering an offer received from a prospective tenant via the property
- Click Properties on the main toolbar
- Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
- Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
- Click Actions
- In the dropdown menu, click Make an Offer
- The New Offer window opens. In the Applicant(s) section, start typing the applicants name in the search bar and click them when they appear
- In The Offer section, enter the price offered. Alternatively, move the slider to indicate the percentage of the marketed price being offered
- Type any relevant information into the About the Offer, Financial Notes, and Estimated Dates fields
- Click Save
- You may then be offered the opportunity to create appropriate letters relating to the offer. These can be handled like any other letter
For more information on how to Create and send an event driven letter, click here
The prospective purchaser must have been created as a contact before they can be searched for, in the New Offer window
For more information on Adding a new contact and searching for contacts, click here
Entering an offer received from a prospective tenant via the contact (the applicant)
- Click Contacts on the main toolbar
- Select the relevant contact from Recent & Favourite Contacts
- Alternatively, find the contact using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
- Click Actions
- In the dropdown menu, click Make an Offer
- The New Offer window opens. In the Property section, start typing the property's address in the search bar and click it when it appears
- Enter the price offered. Alternatively, move the slider to indicate the percentage of the marketed price being offered
- Type any relevant information into the About the Offer, Financial Notes, and Estimated Dates fields
- Click Save
- You may then be offered the opportunity to create appropriate letters relating to the offer. These can be handled like any other letter
For more information on how to Create and send an event driven letter, click here