PropertyFile Tenant Portal

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

The PropertyFile Tenant Portal allows your tenants to see the details of their tenancy, track their account balance, view shared documents and report and track any maintenance issues they may have.

This article includes: 

Activating the Tenant Portal


You will need to have first activated PropertyFile before being able to activate the Tenant Dashboard.
For more information on Activating PropertyFile, click here

  1. Within Alto, click Tools on the main toolbar
  2. In the dropdown menu, click Templates and admin
  3. On the side menu, under System Tools, click PropertyFile
  4. On Alto PropertyFile Administration, click the Pencil alongside your Domain
  5. The PropertyFile Dashboard will open. Click Manage Modules on the side menu
  6. Scroll down to Tenant Dashboard and slide the toggle to On
  7. Click Save
  8. Click Confirm

Customising the Tenant Portal

Once you've switched on the Tenant Dashboard, you can customise it to choose which features you'd like to make available to your tenants.

  1. From your PropertyFile Dashboard, click Advanced Configuration on the side menu
  2. Click the Tenant Dashboard tab
  3. Switch on/off any sections you do/don't wish to utilise by sliding the toggle(s). Alternatively, switch on/off any feature within a section by selecting/deselecting the tickbox(es)
  4. If you make any changes, click Save

Tenant Dashboard

When a tenant logs into PropertyFile, they land on their Dashboard. If they have been a tenant in more than one property with you, they can click Change Property to select which property they want to view the tenancy details for. On the main Dashboard, they can see a summary of their tenancy and a timeline of key dates and events. They can also click through the different tabs to see each section of their portal.

My Tenancy tab

The My Tenancy tab provides an overview of the tenancy including the period it runs for, amount of time remaining, remaining amount and deposit details. It's also where the tenant can view any documents you've shared with them and see their account balance and a list of transactions.
For more information on Sharing documents with landlords and tenants, click here.

Maintenance tab

The Maintenance tab provides a list of both open and historic maintenance issues reported for the tenancy. The tenant can also report maintenance issues by clicking on Report an Issue.
For more information on PropertyFile Maintenance - overview, setup and configuration, click here.

Inviting your tenants to PropertyFile

You can resend PropertyFile invites, or invite your tenants to get started with PropertyFile either individually from their contact record in Alto or in bulk via the relevant contact Groups.

The process for doing this is exactly the same as it would be for your applicants, landlords and vendors.
For more information on Inviting contacts to PropertyFile, click here.

Related articles: 

PropertyFile Landlord Portal

PropertyFile Vendor Portal

PropertyFile Applicant Portal

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