Dashboard - deposits in dispute

Neil Jowett
Neil Jowett
  • Updated

The Deposits In Dispute widget on the Property Management Dashboard shows the number of deposits in dispute. You're able to view and remove all deposits in dispute, i.e. all tenancies that are at Vacated or Vacate in Progress status that still have a deposit held against them, and a Dispute Amount on the tenancy's Deposit top tab.


It's recommended that this procedure is followed after you've charged any deductions that need to be offset against the deposit, and refunded the deposit

To clear a deposit in dispute:

  1. Click Home on the main toolbar
  2. Click Property Management Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. Scroll down to view the Deposits In Dispute widget. To see the list, click the displayed number of Deposits In Dispute
  4. In the Deposits In Dispute window, click the required tenancy
  5. The Refunds For This Tenancy window opens. Click the tenant's name
  6. Click Go to Tenancy
  7. On the tenancy Overview, click the Deposit top tab
  8. Delete the Dispute Amount
  9. Click Save

Once the Dispute Amount has been cleared, it no longer shows in the widget.

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