The steps below outline how to process a landlord statement from the Property Management Dashboard, including:
- Pay landlords in bulk
- Pay a landlord individually
- Produce a landlord statement
- View a calculation of a landlords NRL tax
- Withhold money
- Add statement comments
A landlord will only appear on the Property Management Dashboard when there is money available to pay them. Any landlord who doesn't have any funds to be paid, can be viewed from an individual landlord record where a view of all outstanding invoices and charges can be seen.
This article includes:
Landlords to pay (bulk)
- Click Home on the main toolbar
- Click Property Management Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
- Scroll down to the Landlords to Pay widget. This indicates the number of landlords and total amount to be paid
- Click the Landlords to Pay widget
- The Landlord Payments window opens. You can click on any of the column headings to sort the list by a different order
- Use the Search bar to find a landlord Name, an amount, or a Payment Group in the list
- Name - The name of the landlord for whom the landlord statement will be generated for
- Spanner icon - The spanner will be visible if there are any outstanding works orders with a Status of Supplier Instructed (i.e. pending works orders for maintenance jobs) that need to be taken care of before paying a landlord
- Payment Group - The payment group which funds are available to be paid
- Bank Account - The associated client bank account for that property
- Payment Type - The method of payment set up in the Payment Group for that property
- Balance B/F - If money has previously been held, the total money brought forward
- Income - Total income received for the property
- Deductions - Total deductions, i.e. management commission, supplier invoices etc
- NRL Tax - Calculation of deductions for NRL tax
- Retention - If an amount is retained in the payment group, this will show as retention
- Total Payable - The total amount payable to your landlord
- Click the top tick to include all landlords to pay
- In the bottom left, the total number of landlords ticked and total amount payable is shown. Click Pay Landlords
- An Information notification will confirm the total number of landlords ticked and total amount payable. Click Confirm to generate a landlord statement which will be sent by their chosen Account Delivery Method
For more information on Initial settings on a landlord, click here - The Landlord Statements Upload displays the number of transactions for each of the following:
- Number of landlords updated
- Bacs payments ready to be updated
- Payments ready for manual payment
- Statements that have been emailed
- Statements that have been sent to the print queue
- Click Open to show the Landlords Manual Payments Report
- Click Close
Pay a landlord individually
- Click Home on the main toolbar
- Click Property Management Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
- Scroll down to the Landlords to Pay widget. This indicates the number of landlords and total amount to be paid
- Click the Landlords to Pay widget
- The Landlord Payments window opens. You can click on any of the column headings to sort the list by a different order
- First, check to see if the Spanner icon is visible. This'll display if there are any outstanding works orders with a Status of Supplier Instructed (i.e. pending works orders for maintenance jobs) that need to be taken care of before paying a landlord. Then, click on an individual line to view a breakdown of the landlord payment
- The Payments For This Landlord window opens. Click the correct Payment Group from within the dropdown menu
- Ticked items will be included in the payment. Untick to exclude any items from the list - they will appear the next time you pay this landlord
- NRL Tax Deducted - The i symbol provides a calculation of any NRL tax collected
- Balance Carried Forward - If you would like to hold funds, enter an amount in the field. The next time you pay the landlord, the amount will appear in Balance from Previous Statement
- Total Payable will update each time any changes are made in this view
- Click Preview to view a copy of the landlord statement
- Click the Options top tab to edit details or add additional comments to the landlord statement
- Click Update to generate a landlord statement which will be sent by their chosen Account Delivery Method
For more information on Initial settings on a landlord, click here
Additional information
- A Timeline entry appears on the landlord for whom you have updated
- An entry is recorded on the landlords Transactions, where the landlord payment can be reversed if necessary
- Depending on the Payment Type, the payment will either appear in Accounts on the main toolbar, within Bank Reconciliation or BACS Payment Update
For more information on Bank reconciliation, click here
For more information on Making payments via BACS, click here
For more information on Creating and managing payment groups, click here