Dashboard - batch receipts

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The steps below outline how to receipt money from the Property Management Dashboard for charges which have been raised and are in arrears, including:

  • Receipt multiple payments using batch receipts
  • Receipt multiple payments made by a council for housing benefit rent
  • Produce and send a receipt  
  • Receipt held monies
  • Part receipt a charge
  • Allocate held monies 
  • View an individuals outstanding charges

This article includes: 

Access and process batch receipts

  1. Click Home on the main toolbar
  2. Click Property Management Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Arrears widget, click Batch Receipts
  4. The Batch Receipts window opens 
    1. You can click on any of the column headings to sort the list by a different order
    2. Payment Method - Use the dropdown menu to click the relevant method of payment
    3. Receipt Date - Click the calendar to edit the date, so it's the same as it appears on your bank statement or which payment was received
    4. Bank Reference - Enter a reference, i.e. if payment was made by the council for a group of tenants
    5. Receipt Reference - Enter a reference or edit, if required, i.e. for housing benefit payments
    6. Send Receipts? - Tick if you want to send a receipt to all those you are receipting monies for
  5. Use the Search bar to find a Name, Property Address and a Receipt Amount in the list
  6. Tick and Cross - Use to select all or remove all that are selected in the list
    1. Name - The corresponding tenancy or contact who has charges in arrears. If there is a shield icon alongside, this indicates a guarantor has been added to this contact
    2. Property Address - Indicates where the tenant/contact is currently living
    3. No. of Items - The total number of charges which they are in arrears
    4. Total Outstanding - The total amount of their arrears
    5. Monies Held - The amount of money paid that has not yet been allocated to a charge
      For more information on Monies Held, click here
    6. Held Used - If Monies Held are allocated against the arrears, this will show the amount used 
    7. Receiving Account - The corresponding account is set up on a property and is the account which funds have been paid into
    8. Receipt Amount - The amount which has been received by the contact
  7. Either Receipt full payment, Receipt part payment or Use monies held as described in the steps below until all entries are complete
  8. In the bottom left, the total number of records ticked and total amount received is shown. Click Batch Receipts

Receipt full payment

  1. Within the Batch Receipts window, click the tick to confirm the full amount of money due has been paid 
  2. The tick changes to green and the Receipt Amount displays the same as the the amount owing in Total Outstanding

Receipt part payment

  1. Within the Batch Receipts window, click into the Receipt Amount field alongside the corresponding contact who has made payment
  2. Type in the amount that has been received
  3. Click into a white area, under the blue window banner on top of the page
  4. The tick at the start of the row changes to green

Use monies held 

  1. Within the Batch Receipts window, click the tick alongside the relevant contact and the tick box changes to green
  2. The Held Used displays the same as the the amount owing in Total Outstanding
  3. The Monies Held displays the remaining balance 
  4. The Receipt Amount remains zero as you haven't received any money today, only allocated it from money previously receipted

Housing benefit payments

If you receive money from the district council for tenancy rent payments, these should be processed separately from any other payments. This enables you to add a receipt reference to those records only.

  1. Follow the steps above in Access and process batch receipts, except at Receipt Reference, type the name of the district council which you have received payment
  2. Receipt part payment amounts to each of the contact arrears

Additional information 

  • A Timeline entry appears on the corresponding record for whom you have receipted money
  • An entry is recorded on the corresponding records Transactions, where the receipt can be reversed if necessary
    For more information on Reversing a receipt on a tenancy, click here
  • Each receipt entry appears in Accounts on the main toolbar, within Bank Reconciliation
    For more information on Bank reconciliation, click here
  • After money has been receipted, the Landlords to Pay widget on the Property Management Dashboard updates the number and amount of landlords due for payment
    For more information on paying landlords from the dashboard, click here

Any money received that doesn't have an outstanding charge, can be receipted on the corresponding record as Monies Held. Alternatively, the charge can be raised and receipted.
For more information on Receipting monies held, click here
For more information on Receipting money on a tenancy, click here

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