Understanding how transactions can be filtered

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

Access to the Transactions screen enables you to see the accounts transaction history for a property, landlord, tenancy, supplier, and an applicant.  

It's possible to reverse transactions from the Transactions screen within a record but you can only reverse a transaction if you have access to add the same transaction type. For example, you can only reverse a receipt transaction if you have access to add receipts.

This article includes: 

Filtering transactions on a property

  1. Click Property on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
    1.  Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
  3. Click Transactions on the side menu
  4. Transactions default to show From and To All. You can use the transactions From calendar and To calendar to click the date range that you want transaction records 
  5. From the Include dropdown menu, you can click:
    1. Ledger - This is a record of all transactions including those that are outstanding and are yet to be processed
    2. All accounts - This shows all transactions that have been processed
    3. Client/Deposit Account(s) - You can select transactions that have been processed through a selected bank account
  6. The Transaction Type defaults to show All transaction types. However, in the dropdown menu, you can click and filter by:
    1. Landlord Income - Income for the property and payments made to the landlord(s)
    2. Deposit - Deposit transactions
    3. Fees - Charges payable to your agency and agency payments
    4. Expenses - Charges payable to third parties and payments made
  7. You can also tick Outstanding Only to filter only those charges that are still awaiting payment

Filtering transactions on a landlord

  1. Click Contacts on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant contact (landlord) from Recent & Favourite Contacts
    1. Alternatively, find the contact (landlord) using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
  3. Click Transactions on the side menu
  4. Transactions default to show From and To All. You can use the transactions From calendar and To calendar to click the date range that you want transaction records 
  5. From the Include dropdown menu, you can click:
    1. Ledger - This is a record of all transactions including those that are outstanding and are yet to be processed
    2. All accounts - This shows all transactions that have been processed
    3. Client/Deposit Account(s) - You can select transactions that have been processed through a selected bank account
  6. The Role defaults to show All. However, in the dropdown menu, you can click and filter the transactions by the related relationship that this landlord has to you. They include:
    1. Tenant
    2. Tenancy
    3. Landlord
    4. Vendor
  7. The Transaction Type defaults to show All transaction types. However, in the dropdown menu, you can click and filter by:
    1. Landlord Income - Income and payments made to the landlord
    2. Deposit - Deposit transactions
    3. Fees - Charges payable to your agency and agency payments
    4. Expenses - Charges payable to third parties and payments made
    5. Overseas Tax - Landlord overseas tax transactions
  8. You can also tick Outstanding Only to filter only those charges that are still awaiting payment

When you click on the Transactions listing for a landlord, you can select a Payment Group to filter the transactions displayed.

Filtering transactions on a tenancy

  1. Click Tenancy on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant tenancy from Recent & Favourite Tenancies
    1.  Alternatively, find the tenancy using the Search Tenancies bar in the top right
  3. Click Transactions on the side menu
  4. Transactions default to show From and To All. You can use the transactions From calendar and To calendar to click the date range that you want transaction records 
  5. From the Include dropdown menu, you can click:
    1. Ledger - This is a record of all transactions including those that are outstanding and are yet to be processed
    2. All accounts - This shows all transactions that have been processed
    3. Client/Deposit Account(s) - You can select transactions that have been processed through a selected bank account
  6. The Role defaults to show All. However, in the dropdown menu, you can click and filter the transactions by the related relationship that this tenancy or individual tenants have to you. They include:
    1. Tenancy
    2. Tenant
  7. The Transaction Type defaults to show All transaction types. However, in the dropdown menu, you can click and filter by:
    1. Landlord Income - Income for the tenancy and payments made to the landlord(s)
    2. Deposit - Deposit transactions
    3. Fees - Charges payable to your agency and agency payments
    4. Expenses - Charges payable to third parties and payments made
  8. You can also tick Outstanding Only to filter only those charges that are still awaiting payment

Filtering transactions on a supplier

  1. Click Contacts on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant contact (supplier) from Recent & Favourite Contacts
    1.  Alternatively, find the contact (supplier) using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
  3. Click Transactions on the side menu
  4. Transactions default to show From and To All. You can use the transactions From calendar and To calendar to click the date range that you want transaction records 
  5. From the Include dropdown menu, you can click:
    1. Ledger - This is a record of all transactions including those that are outstanding and are yet to be processed
    2. All accounts - This shows all transactions that have been processed
    3. Client/Deposit Account(s) - You can select transactions that have been processed through a selected bank account
  6. The Transaction Type defaults to show All transaction types. However, in the dropdown menu, you can click and filter by:
    1. Fees - Charges payable to your agency and agency payments i.e. commission
    2. Expenses - Charges made to properties, landlords, tenancies and payments made to the supplier
  7. You can also tick Outstanding Only to filter only those charges that are still awaiting payment

Filtering transactions on an applicant

  1. Click Contact on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant contact (applicant) from Recent & Favourite Contacts
    1. Alternatively, find the contact (applicant) using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
  3. Click Transactions on the side menu
  4. Transactions default to show From and To All. You can use the transactions From calendar and To calendar to click the date range that you want transaction records 
  5. From the Include dropdown menu, you can click:
    1. Ledger - This is a record of all transactions including those that are outstanding and are yet to be processed
    2. All accounts - This shows all transactions that have been processed
    3. Client/Deposit Account(s) - You can select transactions that have been processed through a selected bank account
  6. The Role defaults to show All. However, in the dropdown menu, you can click and filter the transactions by the related relationship the applicant has with you. They include:
    1. Tenant
    2. Vendor
    3. Landlord
    4. Applicant
  7. The Transaction Type defaults to show All transaction types. However, in the dropdown menu, you can click and filter by:
    1. Landlord Income - Income for the property and payments made to the landlord(s)
    2. Deposit - Deposit transactions
    3. Fees - Charges payable to your agency and agency payments
    4. Expenses - Charges payable to third parties and payments made
    5. Overseas Tax - Any transactions in relation to Overseas Tax
  8. You can also tick Outstanding Only to filter only those charges that are still awaiting payment

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