Losing a contract race

Neil Jowett
Neil Jowett
  • Updated

You can still progress a sale if the purchaser is involved in a contract race but has failed to complete their property purchase first.

This can be done from the sales progression screen which can be accessed in any one of two ways, either from Progressions or from Properties.

This article includes: 

Losing a contract race from Progressions

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click All Sales on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant sale from the list
  4. Click Actions
  5. In the dropdown menu, click Contract Race Lost (using this option does not affect the status of the property)
  6. The Contract Race Lost window opens. Type in any relevant Notes
  7. Click Save
  8. You may be offered the opportunity to create appropriate letters relating to losing a contract race. These can be handled like any other letter
    For more information on how to Create and send an event driven letter, click here

The property's status shows as Withdrawn and the sale no longer appears in the Progressions list.

Losing a contract race from Properties

  1. Click Properties on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
    1. Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
  3. Click Actions
  4. In the dropdown menu, click Sales Progression
  5. Click Actions
  6. In the dropdown menu, click Contract Race Lost (using this option does not affect the status of the property)
  7. The Contract Race Lost window opens. Type in any relevant Notes
  8. Click Save
  9. You may be offered the opportunity to create appropriate letters relating to losing a contract race. These can be handled like any other letter
    For more information on how to Create and send an event driven letter, click here

The property's status shows as Withdrawn and the sale no longer appears in the Progressions list.

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