Adding a sales progression note

Neil Jowett
Neil Jowett
  • Updated

Within Alto, you can add a note to a sale to keep everyone appraised as to the progress of the property purchase.

This can be done from the sales progression screen which can be accessed in any one of two ways, either from Progressions or from Properties.

This article includes: 

Adding a sales progression note from Progressions

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click All Sales on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant sale from the list
  4. In the Exchange & Completion Dates section, click Add Note
  5. The Add Transaction Note window opens. In the Involved Parties list, confirm which other Timeline(s) the note should be added to. Select and/or add other contacts using the search bar if required, or, untick parties to prevent the note being added to their Timeline
  6. Type any relevant notes into the Notes field
  7. If the note is in response to direct communication with the parties, we recommend you tick Update Last Contacted Date. This makes it clear on the parties' records when they were last spoken to
  8. Click Save

The new note appears in the progression notes and also in the Timeline(s) of the Involved Parties.

Adding a sales progression note from Properties

  1. Click Properties on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
    1. Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
  3. Click Actions
  4. In the dropdown menu, click Sales Progression
  5. In the Exchange & Completion Dates section, click Add Note
  6. The Add Transaction Note window opens. In the Involved Parties list, confirm which other Timeline(s) the note should be added to. Select and/or add other contacts using the search bar if required, or, untick parties to prevent the note being added to their Timeline
  7. Type any relevant notes into the Notes field
  8. If the note is in response to direct communication with the parties, we recommend you tick Update Last Contacted Date. This makes it clear on the parties' records when they were last spoken to
  9. Click Save

The new note appears in the progression notes and also in the Timeline(s) of the Involved Parties.


We recommend keeping the progression notes up to date in order to keep your colleagues appraised of the sale's current progress

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