Adding a custom sales progression task

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

Within Alto, you can add an additional progress task to the list of tasks that require completing, during a property purchase.

This can be done from the sales progression screen which can be accessed in any one of two ways, either from Progressions or from Properties.

This article includes: 

Adding a custom sales progression task from Progressions

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click All Sales on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant sale from the list
  4. In the Transaction Management section, click the Vendor or Purchaser tabs to list the progression tasks that are to be completed during the sale process
  5. Click + Add Custom Task
  6. The Custom Task window opens. The Status of the task is currently Pending as it's new, but you can amend it if required
  7. Type a name for this task in the Description field
  8. If required, in the Assigned to dropdown menu, click a name to reassign the task to someone else
  9. Target/Due Date for the task can be entered, or selected using the calendar
  10. If required, the task can be given a Priority. In the dropdown menu, click LowNormal, or High
  11. Enter any Notes relating to the task
  12. Click Save

The new task appears at the bottom of the tasks list, and can be progressed like any other.

Adding a custom sales progression task from Properties

  1. Click Properties on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
    1. Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
  3. Click Actions
  4. In the dropdown menu, click Sales Progression
  5. In the Transaction Management section, click the Vendor or Purchaser tabs to list the progression tasks that are to be completed during the sale process
  6. Click + Add Custom Task
  7. The Custom Task window opens. The Status of the task is currently Pending as it's new, but you can amend it if required
  8. Type a name for this task in the Description field
  9. If required, in the Assigned to dropdown menu, click a name to reassign the task to someone else
  10. Target/Due Date for the task can be entered, or selected using the calendar
  11. If required, the task can be given a Priority. In the dropdown menu, click LowNormal, or High
  12. Enter any Notes relating to the task
  13. Click Save

The new task appears at the bottom of the tasks list, and can be progressed like any other.

Related articles: 

Completing a sales progression task

Cancelling a sales progression task

Adding a custom lettings progression task

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