Changing the status of a sale in progress

Neil Jowett
Neil Jowett
  • Updated

Within Alto, you can amend whether a property with an offer accepted on it continues to be marketed or not. There are three possible statuses for such a property:

  • Under Offer (Available) is a property that is being purchased, continues to be matched out to applicants, and is shown on the portals as "Available"; i.e. with no indication that an offer has been accepted on it. This status would be used if an offer was accepted on a repossessed property
  • Under Offer (Marketing) is a property that is being purchased, continues to be matched out to applicants, and is shown on the portals as "Under Offer"
  • Under Offer (SSTC) is a property that is being purchased, is no longer matched out to applicants, and is shown on the portals as "SSTC"

Any amendments can be done from the sales progression screen which can be accessed in any one of two ways, either from Progressions or from Properties.

This article includes: 

Changing the status of a sale from Progressions

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click All Sales on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant sale from the list
  4. Click Actions
  5. In the dropdown menu, click Set Sale Status to Under Offer(X) where X is the required new status; i.e. either Available, Marketing, or SSTC depending on how marketing of the property is to continue
  6. The Change Property Status window opens. Confirm any Board change details, if applicable
  7. Type in any relevant Notes
  8. Click OK

The property's status shows as selected.

Changing the status of a sale from Properties

  1. Click Properties on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
    1. Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
  3. Click Actions
  4. In the dropdown menu, click Sales Progression
  5. Click Actions
  6. In the dropdown menu, click Set Sale Status to Under Offer(X) where X is the required new status; i.e. either Available, Marketing, or SSTC depending on how marketing of the property is to continue
  7. The Change Property Status window opens. Confirm any Board change details, if applicable
  8. Type in any relevant Notes
  9. Click OK

The property's status shows as selected.

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