Sending a lettings progression email

Neil Jowett
Neil Jowett
  • Updated

Within Alto, you can send a lettings progression email to all the parties involved in a tenancy application.

This can be done from the tenancy progression screen, which can be accessed in any one of three ways, either from Progressions, from Tenancies or from Properties.

Sending a lettings progression email from Progressions

  1. Click Progressions on the main navigation bar
  2. Click All Lettings on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant tenancy from the list
  4. In the Letting Dates section, click Send E-Mail
  5. The Send an email window opens. Add any additional To recipients or CC's
  6. Edit the Subject of the email, if needed (by default, the template name will be set as the Subject)
  7. Tick Update Last Contacted Date if appropriate
  8. Type the required email message, or, amend the content of the email by clicking inside any of the blue boxes that appear when you hover over the email body
  9. Add any Attachments needed either by selecting Browse your Computer and selecting attachments directly from your desktop, or, by selecting Browse Alto and attaching documents stored on the tenancy record (if applicable)
  10. Click Send

The email message that's sent appears in the Timeline of the involved parties.

Sending a lettings progression email from Tenancies

  1. Click Tenancies on the main navigation bar
  2. Select the relevant tenancy from Recent & Favourite Tenancies
    1.  Alternatively, find the tenancy using the Search Tenancies bar in the top right
  3. Click Tenancy on the side menu
  4. Click Progression
  5. In the Letting Dates section, click Send E-Mail
  6. The Send an email window opens. Add any additional To recipients or CC's
  7. Edit the Subject of the email, if needed (by default, the template name will be set as the Subject)
  8. Tick Update Last Contacted Date if appropriate
  9. Type the required email message, or, amend the content of the email by clicking inside any of the blue boxes that appear when you hover over the email body
  10. Add any Attachments needed either by selecting Browse your Computer and selecting attachments directly from your desktop, or, by selecting Browse Alto and attaching documents stored on the tenancy record (if applicable)
  11. Click Send

The email message that's sent appears in the Timeline of the involved parties.

Sending a lettings progression email from Properties

  1. Click Properties on the main navigation bar
  2. Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
    1. Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
  3. Click Actions
  4. In the dropdown menu, click Lettings Progression
  5. In the Letting Dates section, click Send E-Mail
  6. The Send an email window opens. Add any additional To recipients or CC's
  7. Edit the Subject of the email, if needed (by default, the template name will be set as the Subject)
  8. Tick Update Last Contacted Date if appropriate
  9. Type the required email message, or, amend the content of the email by clicking inside any of the blue boxes that appear when you hover over the email body
  10. Add any Attachments needed either by selecting Browse your Computer and selecting attachments directly from your desktop, or, by selecting Browse Alto and attaching documents stored on the tenancy record (if applicable)
  11. Click Send

The email message that's sent appears in the Timeline of the involved parties.

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