Finalising a let to make the tenancy active

Neil Jowett
Neil Jowett
  • Updated

In Alto, it's a straightforward process to finalise a let and make the tenancy active.

This can be done from the tenancy progression screen, which can be accessed in any one of three ways, either from Progressions, from Tenancies or from Properties.

 Best practice

Before finalising a let, best practice is to go through the relevant tasks in the Progress tab, within the Transaction Management section, to ensure that everything that should have been done, has been done. However, the tasks aren't mandatory and you don't need to complete all of them before being able to finalise a let


It's important you check that the Tenancy Details are correct before finalising the let as they can't be edited afterwards, without having to renew the tenancy

This article includes: 

Finalise a let from Progressions

  1. Click Progressions on the main toolbar
  2. Click All Lettings on the side menu
  3. Click the relevant tenancy from the list
  4. Click Actions
  5. In the dropdown menu, click Finalise Let
  6. The Finalise Tenancy Details window opens. Check the Tenancy Details and click Finalise Let
  7. The Let window opens. Confirm any Board change details, if applicable
  8. Type in any relevant Notes
  9. Click Save
  10. Click Update to update the tenants current address (Their previous address will be recorded in Other Addresses on their record)

 The tenancy's status shows as Active and no longer appears in the Progressions list.

Finalise a let from Tenancies

  1. Click Tenancies on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant tenancy from Recent & Favourite Tenancies
    1.  Alternatively, find the tenancy using the Search Tenancies bar in the top right
  3. Click Tenancy on the side menu
  4. Click Progression
  5. Click Actions
  6. In the dropdown menu, click Finalise Let
  7. The Finalise Tenancy Details window opens. Check the Tenancy Details and click Finalise Let
  8. The Let window opens. Confirm any Board change details, if applicable
  9. Type in any relevant Notes
  10. Click Save
  11. Click Update to update the tenants current address (Their previous address will be recorded in Other Addresses on their record)

 The tenancy's status shows as Active and no longer appears in the Progressions list.

Finalise a let from Properties

  1. Click Properties on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
    1. Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
  3. Click Actions
  4. In the dropdown menu, click Lettings Progression
  5. Click Actions
  6. In the dropdown menu, click Finalise Let
  7. The Finalise Tenancy Details window opens. Check the Tenancy Details and click Finalise Let
  8. The Let window opens. Confirm any Board change details, if applicable
  9. Type in any relevant Notes
  10. Click Save
  11. Click Update to update the tenants current address (Their previous address will be recorded in Other Addresses on their record)

 The tenancy's status shows as Active and no longer appears in the Progressions list.

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