Main Dashboard - Pending Deals widget

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

The Pending Deals widget on the Main Dashboard shows you a quick look at all the pending sales deals and/or tenancy applications you are currently processing.

You can also quickly assess and access each deal's progression, and each of the records involved in a deal.

  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. Using the Branches and Negotiators dropdown menus, click the relevant branch/office and staff member(s) to specify whose deals you wish to view
  4. Looking at the Pending Deals widget, the number alongside the title tells you how many pending deals the specified negotiator is responsible for. By default, the widget displays pending Sale & Rent deals - to change this, in the dropdown menu, click either Sale or Rent
  5. Scroll down and find the property in the list that you are interested in. You can then:
    1. Click the progress circle in the top right of the property photo to view the Progressions screen for the deal (the number in the circle is the percentage of sales progression milestones that have been completed)
    2. Click the property address and the property preview pane appears on the right of the screen
    3. Click the vendors name and their contact preview pane appears on the right of the screen
    4. Click the applicants name and their contact preview pane appears on the right of the screen

Dashboard Pending Deals.gif

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