Removing or changing the owner of a property

Neil Jowett
Neil Jowett
  • Updated

In Alto, you're able to add and remove owners (vendors and landlords) on a property record.


Before you follow the steps below, you must first ensure that any owners that are to be added, have already been created in Alto
For more information on Adding a vendor, click here
For more information on Adding a landlord, click here

  1. Click Properties on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
    1. Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
  3. Click Property on the side menu
  4. In the Market & Ownership section, the current associated Owner(s) will be displayed. Click the + symbol and in the Search for Contact search bar, find and click the relevant owner
  5. To the right of the Owner(s), using the dropdown menu, you can select how the owner will receive any generated letters
    • Direct - A separate letter will be produced for the owner. The first owner in the list must always be Direct
    • CC - The owner will be copied into the generated letter
    • None - The owner will not be included in any generated letters
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 if there are multiple owners to be added
  7. Click the symbol alongside the Owner(s) field, to remove the relevant owner
  8. A Remove Owner? message appears. Click Yes - Remove this Owner
    1. Repeat steps 7 and 8 if there are multiple owners to be removed
  9. If you are changing the owners of a rental property, you'll need to enter the apportioned property ownership % Share. This must equal 100% across all landlords on the property (Ownership share can't be 0%)
  10. Click Save


You cannot remove an owner if doing so would leave the property without one. You'll be reminded to add another owner, before being allowed to remove the first

Related articles:

Changing the ownership of a property with an active tenancy

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