Booking a market appraisal via the diary

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

The steps below outline how to book a market appraisal appointment from the diary.

  1. Click Diary on the main toolbar
  2. Using the calendar, click the intended date for the market appraisal appointment
  3. In the diary, click and drag to select the start time and duration required for the appointment
  4. The Schedule Appointment window opens. Click Market Appraisal
  5. The Add a Market Appraisal or Property window opens
    In the Vendor/Landlord section, if the owner already has a contact record, use the search bar to find and click them
    1. If a record doesn't exist for them yet, click Add New
    2. Enter all the vendor or landlord information possible within the First Person, Second Person, Address and Details sections
    3. Click Next
  6. In The Property section, if the property they want appraising is their correspondence address, click Copy address from Vendor/Landlord
    1. If the address isn't their correspondence address, click Add New
    2. The Add New Property window opens. You can either use the Postcode finder to set the address, or manually enter the property address
    3. Check the address is correct and then select:
      1. The Branch you want this property to be allocated to
      2. The Negotiator you want this property to be allocated to
      3. Market - Click For Sale for a sales property or To Let for a lettings property
      4. Property Category - Click Residential or Commercial
      5. Type of property - i.e. House
      6. Enter the number of Rooms, Bedrooms, Bathrooms and Receptions, if known
    4. Click Next
  7. Click Amend
  8. The Amend Market Appraisal Appointment window opens. In the Appraiser dropdown menu, click the staff member who will carry out the appraisal
  9. If another staff member is joining them, click their name from within the Accompanied By dropdown menu
  10. If a Reminder is required, click the appropriate time from within the dropdown menu
  11. Click the relevant Type of appraisal from within the dropdown menu
  12. In the Lead Source dropdown menu, click the relevant marketing approach which has attracted the owner to you
  13. Type in any required Notes
  14. Click Next
  15. Click Finish
  16. The Send Confirmations and Set Up Reminders for this Market Appraisal window opens. You can choose to send confirmation messages to the owner; amend the E-Mail and/or SMS Text message to your liking, and choose whether to send out a Reminder closer to the appointment.
    Click Send All when ready
  17. You may be offered the opportunity to produce an appraisal form in readiness for the appointment and, if the owner doesn't have an email address or mobile phone, an appointment confirmation letter. These can be handled like any other letter
    For more information on how to Create and send an event driven letter, click here

An appointment for this appraisal appears in the Diary, a new contact record for the owner is created (if they were added as new), a new property record is created (if new), and a task added. This ensures that the market appraisal is subsequently followed up.

At this point, you may want to prepare for your appraisal by Generating a Property valuation report. The report provides you with an accurate and efficient way to assess the value of properties prior to carrying out the market appraisal, and contains useful property data and insights, such as flood risk, similar properties and planning applications.

Related articles: 

Booking a market appraisal for a property

Booking a market appraisal for a contact

Printing a market appraisal form

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