PropertyFile gives you the ability to customise the content of a selection of emails which it sends out to your clients. This includes all activation and welcome emails, emails relating to password changes and account deletion emails.
To do this:
- In Alto, click Tools on the main toolbar
- In the dropdown menu, click Templates and admin
- On the side menu, under System Tools, click PropertyFile
- On Alto PropertyFile Administration, click the Pencil alongside your Domain
- The PropertyFile Dashboard will open. Click Email Templates on the side menu
- You'll see a list of email templates. Choose the one you want and make any text alterations you require
- Click Preview beneath the template to see how your amended email will look. Close the tab to exit the preview when you are done
- Click Save to confirm the changes
- You'll need to ensure you don't remove any of the tags within the triangular brackets < >, but you can change the text between these tags.
The image below shows where the text within each pair of tags will appear.All other elements are fixed parts of the email and cannot be changed
- If you make any changes to your emails and wish to return to the standard content we supply, you can click Use Default Templates to replace ALL emails with the standard content