The modules (tabs) and sections available in PropertyFile can all be turned on and off as you choose, giving you control over your PropertyFile microsite and how it's used by you and your clients. You can do this from your PropertyFile admin Dashboard.
This article includes:
Selecting your PropertyFile modules (tabs)
To choose which PropertyFile modules you wish to enable:
- Within Alto, click Tools on the main toolbar
- In the dropdown menu, click Templates and admin
- On the side menu, under System Tools, click PropertyFile
- On Alto PropertyFile Administration, click the Pencil alongside your Domain
- The PropertyFile Dashboard will open. Click Manage Modules on the side menu
- All modules will be on by default. Scroll through the list and if there are any you don't wish to use, slide the toggle to switch it off
- Click Save
- Click Advanced Configuration on the side menu
- Untick the relevant items that you want to hide from view
- Click Save
Configuring your client portals
Once you have selected the PropertyFile modules you wish to use, you can customise these further to choose the exact sections and functions you wish to make available to your clients.
For more information on how to do this, please see the following articles: