Adding follow-up notes and feedback for viewings

Robert Bell
Robert Bell
  • Updated

When a viewing is booked, there are two Tasks created. One is to remind you to contact the applicant to get feedback and notes about the follow up, the other is to remind you to pass that feedback on to the vendor or landlord. These Tasks can be accessed from the Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu

The feedback can be given verbally, sent by email to the vendor or landlord, and also be shared on PropertyFile. When you add viewing feedback notes, in addition to the notes the owner can see, you can add notes that can only be read internally. These notes will not show on printed timelines, periodic owner reports, or PropertyFile.

Feedback notes can be added from any one of three locations, either from the Main Dashboard, from the Property or from the Applicant (contact).

This article includes: 

Entering feedback notes via the Main Dashboard

  1. Click the Home screen tab on the main toolbar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click Viewings 
  4. In the list, find the entry relating to the appointment that you are looking for. Click Viewing
  5. The Viewing window opens. In the Viewers Feedback tab, type the notes that you do want the owner to see, in the Feedback field
    1. Click Send feedback to Owner(s) to immediately send the owner the feedback
  6. Type the internal notes that you don't want the owner to see, in the Internal Notes field
  7. Click Save Viewing

Entering feedback notes via the Property record

  1. Click Property on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
    1.  Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
  3. The property Overview displays. Click viewings (The number indicates the amount of viewings that have been made on the property)
  4. The property Timeline displays. In the Viewing column, click the date and time of the appointment
  5. The Viewing window opens. In the Viewers Feedback tab, type the notes that you do want the owner to see, in the Feedback field
    1. Click Send feedback to Owner(s) to immediately send the owner the feedback
  6. Type the internal notes that you don't want the owner to see, in the Internal Notes field
  7. Click Save Viewing

Entering feedback notes via the Contact record

  1. Click Contacts on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant contact from Recent & Favourite Contacts
    1.  Alternatively, find the contact using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
  3. The contact Overview displays. Click viewings (The number indicates the amount of viewings that they have made)
  4. The contact Timeline displays. In the Viewing column, click the date and time of the appointment
  5. The Viewing window opens. In the Viewers Feedback tab, type the notes that you do want the owner to see, in the Feedback field
    1. Click Send feedback to Owner(s) to immediately send the owner the feedback
  6. Type the internal notes that you don't want the owner to see, in the Internal Notes field
  7. Click Save Viewing

Related articles: 

Making an offer on a sales property

Making an offer on a lettings property

Changing a viewing

Cancelling a viewing

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