The steps below cover how to create a match list for the marketing of your properties.
- Click Properties on the main toolbar
- Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
- Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
- Click Matches on the side menu
- Click Create Match List
- Select (or search for and select) the negotiators who this match list will be created for
- Click Create List
- There will now be a separate tab for the match list. You can work your way down the list, taking into account their Search Profile, and entering any Match List Notes.
Using the icons to the right of each contact, you can choose whether to:- Mark/Unmark as Completed (thumbs up) which will move the contact from Active to Completed.
- Mark/Unmark as Rejected (thumbs down) which will move the contact from Active to Rejected
- You can Add a Phone Conversation Note or Add a File Note to keep a record of conversations you've had with the contact. You can also Book a Viewing, Send Email Message or Send SMS Message
- The totals in Completed and Rejected at the bottom will update based on your selections
- You can always reassign the list to other negotiators, if required (time limiting factors)
- If you then return back to the Matching Contacts tab, you can select the matching contacts in order to match out the property to them
The remaining matching steps, as well as the Output Wizard, is covered in more detail from step 5 within Property matching and Output Wizard.