Vendors Sales Progression

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

With PropertyFile, you can allow your vendors to keep up to date with their sales progression through their PropertyFile account.  

This article includes: 

Activating sales progression for vendors

For your vendors to be able to view their sales progression, you'll first need to activate this in PropertyFile. To do this:

  1. Within Alto, click Tools on the main toolbar
  2. In the dropdown menu, click Templates and admin
  3. On the side menu, under System Tools, click PropertyFile
  4. On Alto PropertyFile Administration, click the Pencil alongside your Domain
  5. The PropertyFile Dashboard will open. Click Manage Modules on the side menu
  6. Scroll down to Sales Progression - Vendor and slide the toggle to On
  7. Click Save
  8. Click Confirm

Sales progression for vendors 

Once Sales Progression - Vendor has been activated, any vendor with a PropertyFile account will be able to view the milestones you have set for both their side of a sale and for the buyers side. They can also view any notes relevant to their side of the sale which have been added against the sales progression in Alto.  



Vendors will only see these notes and milestones once an offer has been accepted and the property status is Under Offer

When editing the sales progression in Alto, each milestone has a Notes section. This enables you to enter any additional information regarding that part of the sale and it will then become visible to the vendor in each milestone on PropertyFile.  

The vendor can click through to either part of the sale and view the milestones, and on their side of the chain, view any notes you've written against the milestone.  



A green tick against any entry denotes a completed milestone in Alto. The date it was completed will also be shown

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