Main Dashboard - Tasks widget

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

In Alto, tasks are a fundamental option and they can be thought of as 2 types. They can either be:

  • a 'To do' - A task where you need to perform an action, i.e. a reminder to chase something up
  • a property/contact 'review' - A task where you need to review properties, contacts or deals

You can view all of your tasks within the Tasks widget on the Main Dashboard, broken down by category. They can be filtered to show activity for a specific branch and/or negotiators, if you have access to multiple branches.

There are tabs for:

  • Todo - Tasks where you need to perform an action. This might be to chase something up
  • Appraisals - After booking an appraisal, tasks are created to manage the appraisal process. These include tasks for chasing the instruction
  • Viewings - After booking a viewing, tasks are created to manage the viewing process. These include tasks for confirming the viewing appointment with the vendor/landlord, tasks for getting and relaying feedback from the applicant/vendor, and tasks for confirming cancellations
  • Offers - After offers are made, tasks are created to manage the offer process. These include tasks for following up the offer with the applicant, relaying acceptance of the offer to the applicant, and new offer submissions to the vendor
  • Reviews - After booking a property/contact review, a task is created for you to review the property/contact/deal
  • Referrals - Shows information about contacts referred to financial services

All of the tabs apart from Referrals, can be filtered to show all, or for example, just todays tasks, as well as filtering to see Pending, In Progress, Complete and Cancelled tasks. 

Dashboard Tasks Overview.gif

Creating Todo Tasks

If you need a reminder to chase something up, you can add a 'To do' task which can be followed up in the Tasks widget.

Tasks can be created for you or be assigned to someone else, and be given a priority.

You can create a 'To do' from the Tasks widget on the Main Dashboard and also from a property, a contact, viewings, market appraisals, offers and progressions.

Adding a To Do from Tasks 
  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click the Todo tab
  4. Click Add Task
  5. The Create Task window opens. The Status of the task is currently Pending as it's new, but you can amend it if required
  6. In the Details section, type a Description of the task.
    (The Description is the first line of text you see in the Tasks widget and will be in bold text. Therefore, adding a short note such as CALL BACK is a good idea as it makes it easy to see on the list)
  7. If required, in the Assigned To dropdown menu, click a name to reassign the to do task to someone else
  8. Target/Due Date for the to do task can be entered, or selected using the calendar. Change it, if necessary
  9. If required, the task can be given a Priority.In the dropdown menu, click LowNormal, or High
  10. Type in any additional Notes
  11. In the Associated Records section, you may want to link the to do task to a Property or Contactor both. Search for and select these in their respective fields, or click the star to display Recent & Favourites
  12. Click Save

Adding a To Do from Tasks.png

Adding a To Do from a property
  1. Click Properties on the main navigation bar
  2. Select the relevant property from Recent & Favourite Properties
    1. Alternatively, find the property using the Search Properties bar in the top right
  3. On the Overview, click the + to the right of No Tasks Pending/Pending Task(s). You can either create a Todo task or a Property Review task. Click Todo, then click Next
  4. The Create Todo window opens. The Status of the task is currently Pending as it's new, but you can amend it if required
  5. In the Details section, type a Description of the task.
    (The Description is the first line of text you see in the Tasks widget and will be in bold text. Therefore, adding a short note such as CALL BACK is a good idea as it makes it easy to see on the list)
  6. If required, in the Assigned To dropdown menu, click a name to reassign the to do task to someone else
  7. Target/Due Date for the to do task can be entered, or selected using the calendar. Change it, if necessary
  8. If required, the task can be given a Priority.In the dropdown menu, click LowNormal, or High
  9. Type in any additional Notes
  10. In the Associated Records section, you may want to link the to do task to a Contact. Search for and select the contact, or click the star to display Recent & Favourites
  11. Click Save

Adding a To Do from properties.png

Adding a To Do from a contact
  1. Click Contacts on the main navigation bar
  2. Select the relevant contact from Recent & Favourite Contacts
    1. Alternatively, find the contact using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
  3. On the Overview, click the + to the right of No Tasks Pending/Pending Task(s). You can either create a Todo task or a Contact Review task. Click Todo, then click Next
  4. The Create Todo window opens. The Status of the task is currently Pending as it's new, but you can amend it if required
  5. In the Details section, type a Description of the task.
    (The Description is the first line of text you see in the Tasks widget and will be in bold text. Therefore, adding a short note such as CALL BACK is a good idea as it makes it easy to see on the list)
  6. If required, in the Assigned To dropdown menu, click a name to reassign the to do task to someone else
  7. Target/Due Date for the to do task can be entered, or selected using the calendar. Change it, if necessary
  8. If required, the task can be given a Priority.In the dropdown menu, click LowNormal, or High
  9. Type in any additional Notes
  10. In the Associated Records section, you may want to link the to do task to a Property. Search for and select the property, or click the star to display Recent & Favourites
  11. Click Save

Adding a To Do from contacts.png

Adding a To Do from viewings
  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click the Viewings tab
  4. On a viewing, click Viewing
  5. The Viewing window opens. Click the + to the right of No Tasks Pending/Pending Task(s)
  6. The Create Todo window opens. The Status of the task is currently Pending as it's new, but you can amend it if required
  7. In the Details section, type a Description of the task.
    (The Description is the first line of text you see in the Tasks widget and will be in bold text. Therefore, adding a short note such as CALL BACK is a good idea as it makes it easy to see on the list)
  8. If required, in the Assigned To dropdown menu, click a name to reassign the to do task to someone else
  9. Target/Due Date for the to do task can be entered, or selected using the calendar. Change it, if necessary
  10. If required, the task can be given a Priority.In the dropdown menu, click LowNormal, or High
  11. Type in any additional Notes
  12. In the Associated Records section, you may want to link the to do task to a Contact. Search for and select the contact, or click the star to display Recent & Favourites
  13. Click Save

Adding a To Do from Viewing.png

Adding a To Do from market appraisals
  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click the Appraisals tab
  4. On an appraisal, click Appraisal Confirmed
  5. The Edit Market Appraisal Appointment window opens. Click the to the right of No Tasks Pending/Pending Task(s)
  6. The Create Todo window opens. The Status of the task is currently Pending as it's new, but you can amend it if required
  7. In the Details section, type a Description of the task.
    (The Description is the first line of text you see in the Tasks widget and will be in bold text. Therefore, adding a short note such as CALL BACK is a good idea as it makes it easy to see on the list)
  8. If required, in the Assigned To dropdown menu, click a name to reassign the to do task to someone else
  9. Target/Due Date for the to do task can be entered, or selected using the calendar. Change it, if necessary
  10. If required, the task can be given a Priority.In the dropdown menu, click LowNormal, or High
  11. Type in any additional Notes
  12. In the Associated Records section, you may want to link the to do task to a Contact. Search for and select the contact, or click the star to display Recent & Favourites
  13. Click Save

Adding a To Do from Appraisals.png

Adding a To Do from an offer
  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click the Offers tab
  4. On an offer, click Offer Received (or Accepted/Withdrawn)
  5. The Offer Details window opens. Click the to the right of No Tasks Pending/Pending Task(s)
  6. The Create Todo window opens. The Status of the task is currently Pending as it's new, but you can amend it if required
  7. In the Details section, type a Description of the task.
    (The Description is the first line of text you see in the Tasks widget and will be in bold text. Therefore, adding a short note such as CALL BACK is a good idea as it makes it easy to see on the list)
  8. If required, in the Assigned To dropdown menu, click a name to reassign the to do task to someone else
  9. Target/Due Date for the to do task can be entered, or selected using the calendar. Change it, if necessary
  10. If required, the task can be given a Priority.In the dropdown menu, click LowNormal, or High
  11. Type in any additional Notes
  12. In the Associated Records section, you may want to link the to do task to a Contact. Search for and select the contact, or click the star to display Recent & Favourites
  13. Click Save

Adding a To Do from Offer.png

Adding a To Do from progressions
  1. Click Progressions on the main navigation bar
  2. In the dropdown menu, click Sales progressions or Lettings progressions. Then, click All Sales or All Lettings on the side menuClick the relevant sale or tenancy from the list.
    Alternatively, Click Sales progressions beta. Then, click View full progression alongside the relevant sale in the list
  3. In the Transaction Management section, click the + to the right of No Tasks Pending/Pending Task(s). You can either create a Todo task or a Deal Progression Review task. Click Todo, then click Next
  4. The Create Todo window opens. The Status of the task is currently Pending as it's new, but you can amend it if required
  5. In the Details section, type a Description of the task.
    (The Description is the first line of text you see in the Tasks widget and will be in bold text. Therefore, adding a short note such as CALL BACK is a good idea as it makes it easy to see on the list)
  6. If required, in the Assigned To dropdown menu, click a name to reassign the to do task to someone else
  7. Target/Due Date for the to do task can be entered, or selected using the calendar. Change it, if necessary
  8. If required, the task can be given a Priority.In the dropdown menu, click LowNormal, or High
  9. Type in any additional Notes
  10. In the Associated Records section, you may want to link the to do task to a Contact. Search for and select the contact, or click the star to display Recent & Favourites
  11. Click Save

Adding a To Do from Progressions.png

Finding and filtering tasks

To find any task:

  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, on the right hand side, click the dropdown menu and select between Show All, Today and Older, Today Only, Future Only and Overdue Only. This filters all the tabs to the chosen setting, except Referrals
  4. Click the relevant tab, i.e. Todo
  5. Click the task name to open it

Find a task.png


Completed and cancelled items remain available for 2 months. After this time, if the task has been completed or cancelled and was linked to a contact or property, it'll be stored in the Timeline for those records

Filtering a To Do task
  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click the Todo tab
  4. Click the dropdown menu to order the list By Due Date, By Priority, By Property, or By Contact
  5. Click the arrow to sort the order of the list by ascending or descending order
  6. Click the stage management dropdown menu to select between status of Pending, In Progress, Completed, and Cancelled, as required. Click Assigned To Others to see items created by you but assigned to another person
  7. Scroll down the refreshed list to find the required record

Filtering a To Do task.png

Filtering an Appraisals task
  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click the Appraisals tab
  4. Click the dropdown menu to order the list By Due Date, By Apt Date (Appointment Date), or By Priority
  5. Click the arrow to sort the order of the list by ascending or descending order
  6. Click the stage management dropdown menu to select between status of Pending, In Progress, Completed, and Cancelled, as required
  7. Scroll down the refreshed list to find the required record

Filtering an Appraisals task.png

Filtering a Viewings task
  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click the Viewings tab
  4. Tick the boxes to view appointments to confirm (Confirm Apt), viewings needing feedback (Get Feedback), and cancelled viewings (Cancellations)
  5. Click the stage management dropdown menu to select between status of Pending, In Progress, Completed, and Cancelled, as required
  6. Click the arrow to sort the order of the list by ascending or descending order
  7. Click the dropdown menu to order the list By Due Date, By Apt Date (Appointment Date), By Priority, or By Property
  8. Scroll down the refreshed list to find the required record

Filtering a Viewings task.png

Filtering an Offers task
  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click the Offers tab
  4. Click the dropdown menu to order the list By Due Date, or By Property
  5. Click the arrow to sort the order of the list by ascending or descending order
  6. Click the stage management dropdown menu to select between status of Pending, In Progress, Completed, and Cancelled, as required
  7. Scroll down the refreshed list to find the required record

Filtering an Offers task.png

Filtering Reviews tasks
  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click the Reviews tab
  4. Tick the boxes to view items to review associated with Properties, Contacts, and Deals
  5. Click the stage management dropdown menu to select between status of Pending, In Progress, Completed, and Cancelled, as required
  6. Click the arrow to sort the order of the list by ascending or descending order
  7. Scroll down the refreshed list to find the required record

Filtering Reviews tasks.png

Updating and completing tasks

You can manage your Tasks on the Main Dashboard, and if they've been linked to a property, contact, or deal, they can be found on the relevant records.

You can easily keep track of tasks by amending their notes, moving the date forward, or changing who is assigned to it.

Updating a task
  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click the Todo tab
  4. In the list, find the relevant entry and click it to open it. Once open, you can make changes to any of the information. Click the relevant Status to amend it if required, i.e. from Pending to In Progress
  5. Amend the Description, if required
  6. If required, in the Assigned to dropdown menu, click a name to reassign the to do task to someone else
  7. Target/Due Date for the to do task can be entered, or selected using the calendar. Change it, if necessary
  8. Amend the tasks Priority, if required. In the dropdown menu, click LowNormal, or High
  9. Type in any further Notes or amend any existing ones
  10. In the Associated Records section, you may want to link the to do task to a Property or Contactor both. Search for and select these in their respective fields, or click the star to display Recent & Favourites
  11. Click Save 
Completing a task
  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click the Todo tab
  4. In the list, find the relevant entry and click it to open it. Once open, you can make changes to any of the information. In the Status section, click Complete
  5. Amend the Description, if required
  6. If required, in the Assigned to dropdown menu, click a name to reassign the to do task to someone else
  7. Target/Due Date for the to do task can be entered, or selected using the calendar. Change it, if necessary
  8. Amend the tasks Priority, if required. In the dropdown menu, click LowNormal, or High
  9. Type in any further Notes or amend any existing ones
  10. In the Associated Records section, you may want to link the to do task to a Property or Contactor both. Search for and select these in their respective fields, or click the star to display Recent & Favourites
  11. Click Save
Quickly completing a task
  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click the Todo tab
  4. In the list, find the relevant entry and click the tick (Quick-Complete)

Quickly completing a task.png

Deferring a tasks Target/Due Date
  1. Click Home on the main navigation bar
  2. Click Main Dashboard on the Home screen side menu
  3. In the Tasks widget, click the Todo tab
  4. In the list, find the relevant entry and click the clock (Defer until later)
  5. In the dropdown menu, click the appropriate deferral option: Defer by a day, Defer by a week, Defer by a month or Choose a date
    1. If you click Choose a date, the full details of the task open. Click the calendar alongside the Target/Due Date field to set the appropriate deferral date

Task defer.png

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