When a customer (applicant, vendor, landlord etc) requests a copy of their personal information that you hold, this can be given to them from within Alto.
- Click Contacts on the main toolbar
- Select the relevant contact from Recent & Favourite Contacts
- Alternatively, find the contact using the Search Contacts bar in the top right
- Click Docs
- In the dropdown menu, click Personal Information Request
- If there are 2 people on the contact record, you'll have the option to select which contact
- Click the relevant request type. In this example, click Subject Access Request
- Click OK
- The Subject Access Request window opens. This extract includes all information that the person has given to you, and any other information that you have added since. You can either click Download or Cancel
- If you click Download, the information is presented as a .pdf in a browser window that you can give to the person who has requested it
As the data controller, you can decide how to hand over this .pdf.
Once you have downloaded the data, an entry appears on the Timeline showing that this was carried out:
You can click on View on the Timeline and the .pdf that was created (at that point in time) will be re-presented in browser window.
- This .pdf only shows the information that you collected at the time of downloading it. If you have added any more since, this will not show until you complete another Subject Access Request
- The .pdf also includes any feedback that your customer has submitted via PropertyFile
The permission to use the Personal Information Request function will automatically be given upon deployment to anyone with the Group Administrator role.
To give this permission to any other user:
- Click Tools on the main toolbar
- On the side menu, under System Tools, click System Administration
- Click Group Roles
- Click Create New
- Add in the Reference Code of PersonalInformationRequest
- Ensure the Status is set to Active
- Click Create
- From the Edit Role page, select the relevant options and click Save