Create a tenants rent statement

Zenya Allen
Zenya Allen
  • Updated

The steps below outline how to create an itemised list of all accounts transactions for a tenancy, and produce it to either be printed or emailed to your tenants.

  1. Click Tenancies on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant tenancy from Recent & Favourite Tenancies
    1.  Alternatively, find the tenancy using the Search Tenancies bar in the top right
  3. Click Transactions on the side menu
  4. In the From and To fields, click the calendar to select the date range that you wish to produce a list of transactions for
  5. Leave the Include field set as Ledger
  6. In the Role field, if your tenants rent is due as one amount, click All in the dropdown menu
    If you click:
    1. Tenancy - This includes all charges and receipts produced in the tenancy
    2. Tenant - This includes charges and receipts produced on an individual tenant  
  7. In the Transaction Type field, click All in the dropdown menu. Alternatively, select a single transaction type
  8. If Outstanding Only is ticked, this will show charges raised, but not paid
  9. Balance indicates the current balance
    1. A negative figure indicates arrears owing
    2. A positive figure indicates there are held monies
    3. Zero indicates they neither owe or have any monies held
  10. Click Print
  11. In the dropdown menu, click the appropriate printing format
  12. The list of transactions appear in a new browser tab in a printable format
  13. If you prefer to email the list, download the list from the browser tab and save it to your computer
  14. In the Tenancy, click Documents on the side menu
  15. Click Upload Documents and select the saved list from your computer
    For more information on Uploading documents to a tenancy, click here


Print Transactions (order by transaction ID) 


Print Transactions (order by item date)

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