Printing pdf documents in Alto

Verity Stanford-Tuck
Verity Stanford-Tuck
  • Updated

When you print a brochure, window card, or letter in Alto, Alto produces a document in .pdf format. If this .pdf looks correct, but you aren't getting the results you expect when you send this to the printer, you may need to change some settings on your PC.  

  1. Check you have Adobe Acrobat installed on your PC. The .pdf viewers you find in Chrome and Edge etc, do not have the same printing capabilities as Adobe Acrobat
    1. To check if you have Acrobat installed, type acrobat in the search bar at the bottom left of your screen and check if it appear as an app
    2. If you do not have Acrobat installed, you should consult your IT provider
  2. Once you have Acrobat installed, type default in to the search bar at the bottom left of your screen and click on Default apps
  3. At the bottom of the page that opens, click Choose default applicants by file type 
  4. Scroll down until you reach .pdf and click + (Choose a default)
  5. Select Adobe Acrobat Reader from the list
    1. If a prompt appears, click Switch anyway to continue 
  6. In Chrome, click on the 3 dots in the top right and select Settings 
  7. Type in .pdf in the search bar and click Site settings 
  8. Scroll to the bottom, click Additional content settings and then PDF documents
  9. Select Download PDFs

This will ensure that you are always printing to Adobe Acrobat Reader. 

To check this has corrected any issues: 

  1. In Alto, select a property and click Docs
  2. In the dropdown menu, click Print Brochure 
  3. This will download the document to the bottom of Chrome.  Click on the upward pointing arrow and select Always open in system viewer 
  4. Back in the property, click Docs 
  5. Click Print Brochure and the brochure will open in Adobe Acrobat and you can choose the print settings you want


We recommend that you select Fit in the page size and handling section

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