The display of records on screen which have been deleted in bulk will depend on whether the record has been marked for deletion within the last 7 days, or has gone through the final deletion process (after the rollback period has elapsed).
This article includes:
Marked for Deletion
When the Bulk Delete, Personal Information Deletion action is used, because of the potential for a rollback, the contact record will still show the name and address of the person who has been marked for deletion.
- You will not be able to see any information about the person, other than their name and address
- All tabs have been removed, and action buttons are disabled so that you cannot contact them
- If you search for this person, they will not appear in any search results
- If the person had made an offer on a property or had attended a viewing for example, you will still be able to see their name and address
Final Deletion
When the 7 day rollback period has elapsed, all the data will be permanently deleted and the person will not be identifiable.
- You will not be able to see any information about the person
- You will not be able to use any of the action menus or buttons
- If you search for this person, they will not appear in any search results
- If the person had made an offer on a property or had attended a viewing for example, you could still locate the record via the respective property, but the details would be anonymised to prevent the person involved being identified
- We can take no responsibility for data that you delete
- We can take no responsibility for data marked for deletion by mistake that you do not restore within the 7-day period offered