Should you need to, you have the ability to rollback records that have been deleted in a Bulk action. The rollback period is for a maximum of 7 days from the date/time the record was deleted.
For more information on Bulk Deleted contact records, click here
This article includes:
Viewing Bulk Deleted records
The permission to view and use the Personal Data Deletion action along with the restore option, will automatically be given upon deployment to anyone with the GroupAdministrator role.
To give this permission to any other user:
- Click Tools on the main toolbar
- On the side menu, under System Tools, click System Administration
- Click Group Roles
- Click Edit next to the relevant id
- Add the permission for RestorePersonalInformation
- Scroll down and click Save
Assuming you have the appropriate permissions, you can view the deleted records during the 7 day rollback period. To do this:
- Click Tools on the main toolbar
- On the side menu, under System Tools, click System Administration
- Click Personal Data Deletion
- A list of records displays which were included in any bulk deletion actions within the previous 7 day period
- You can also Search for contacts by entering their Surname, User, or their Date Marked (for deletion)
You're able to view:
- The Contact name
- The contact Address
- The date/time the record was deleted (Deletion Date & User)
- The user who performed the Bulk Delete action (Deletion Date & User)
- The Restorable Until date/time - The date/time up until when the record can be restored. You can sort the data using the Contact name or the Restorable Until column
Restore Deleted records
To restore any of your deleted records:
- Select individual records via the tickbox at the start of the row
- Alternatively, use the tickbox in the header to select all
- Click Restore Personal Information
- A confirmation message appears stating, Are you sure you would like to restore x records?
- Click Yes to restore the records. Any records that have been ticked will be restored to their original state immediately. The records will also be removed from the screen because they are no longer marked for deletion
- Click No to exit the function. No records will be restored
If you wish to restore any records, you must do this before the date/time shown within Restorable Until. Once the date/time has been reached, you will not be able to restore them.
Non restorable records are easily identifiable because there is no tickbox selection, as shown below:
Whilst this record is non restorable, you'll notice it’s not yet been cleared from the screen. This clear down will occur at some point during the day and will be performed automatically by a background service which runs throughout the day, clearing records that meet the final deletion rule. You do not need to take any action for this final deletion to occur.
- Once the record has been cleared down, it will no longer appear in the table, and it will not be available for restoration
- We can take no responsibility for data that you mark for deletion
- We can take no responsibility for data marked for deletion by mistake that you do not restore within the 7-day period offered