With Encore/VebraLive, it was possible to open many different screens or records at a time. For example, you could open the diary, then open several property or applicant records and then switch between them.
In Alto, you can achieve this in a couple of different ways:
- Switching between records without opening extra browser tabs
- Switching between Alto instances using multiple tabs
This article also includes:
Switching between records without opening extra browser tabs
Once logged in to Alto:
- Click Property, Contacts or Tenancy on the main toolbar
- You'll see in the left hand column all the recently viewed records
You're able to switch between these records by clicking on them in the recent lists, but it isn't possible to view 2 records at the same time this way.
When switching between records in Alto, you don't need to save, the records will stay open and the information you have added will still be there when you next going back to the record.
Of course, you will need to ensure that you save regularly to save your work, but, it isn't essential when switching between records. Please see Save reminders for more information.
Switching between Alto instances using multiple tabs
This is not recommended. For each session, Alto will cache what you are doing. If you have multiple sessions going at one time, this will cause Alto to get confused about which session is actually active
Another way to deal with the need to open multiple records is to open Alto on a new browser tab.
For more information on How can I have Alto open on multiple tabs, click here
Saving records
As you make changes to Property, Contacts or Tenancy records, the save button will show next to the relevant record in the recent list:
- Click Save to save your changes and the save button will then disappear until more changes are made
Undoing changes
You can also use the undo option to undo any changes you have just made. This is useful if you suddenly realise you are updating the wrong record.
Save reminders
If you make some changes to a record but then navigate away from it, Alto will display a warning to remind you to go back and save the records. There are 2 types of notification:
- Next to the record in the recent list
- Or if you navigate away from the tab you are in all together, for example you click on the Property tab after working on the Contacts tab, a notification is displayed on the tab to inform you how many un-saved records there are on that tab
Once you click on the tab, look for the warnings indicating the records that need to be saved:
If you forget to save your changes and sign out of Alto, the records will not be saved automatically. When you next login to Alto and in to the relevant section, the unsaved changes/records display as above.
If you forget to save your changes and sign out of Alto, the records will not be saved automatically. When you next login to Alto and in to the relevant section, the unsaved changes/records display as above.