Whilst the majority of your data will be migrated, there's a small amount that is non transferable. Please see the list below that outlines the features and data content that isn't migrated over to Alto.
This article includes:
Features not migrated
- Tenancy - No Tenancy data is migrated
- Quick Groups - These do not migrate, and you will be shown how to set up new Match Groups within Alto, as part of your training
For more information on Adding in new Match Areas, click here
For more information on Creating a match group for Properties, click here
For more information on Creating a Match List, click here - Chain Links - Any manually entered Chain Links will not migrate to Alto. You will be show how to recreate these within Alto, as part of your training
For more information on Navigating chain details and adding properties, click here - Commercial - No commercial specific data will migrate to Alto
- New Homes - No New Homes data, from the News Homes section, will migrate to Alto
Data not migrated
Information that isn't migrated to Alto is listed below.
Once your data has been migrated and you are working on the Alto database, this is the time to add the Property information that didn't come across in the migration.
This work is required to be completed manually.