Sharing documents with landlords and tenants

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated

Our document sharing functionality in Alto allows you to share any uploaded tenancy documents with landlords via PropertyFile’s Landlord Portal, and tenants via PropertyFile’s Tenant Portal.

By directing landlords to PropertyFile’s Landlord Portal, not only will they be able to view all documents that have been sent to them from your branch, but also a summary of their marketing statistics, viewings, account statements and the ability to view details of property maintenance.

Tenants on the other hand can also view documents that have been sent to them from your branch, but also see a summary of their rent balance and request/view details of repairs.

This article includes: 

Enabling document sharing

In order to share a document, you must first have a document uploaded to a tenancy record.
For more information on Uploading documents to a tenancy, click here

With any tenancy record which has documents stored against it, all of the documents will show their Sharing Status, allowing you to see whether they’re shared with the landlord, the tenant or not at all.

If the Sharing Status options appear to be greyed out, it indicates that either the Landlord and/or Tenant Portal hasn’t been switched on. If clicked, a message will appear stating how to enable document sharing via PropertyFile.

To enable document sharing via PropertyFile:

  1. Click Tools on the main toolbar
  2. In the dropdown menu, click Templates and admin
  3. On the side menu, under System Tools, click PropertyFile
  4. On Alto PropertyFile Administration, click the Pencil alongside your Domain
  5. The PropertyFile Dashboard will open. Click Advanced Configuration on the side menu
  6. For the Landlord Portal
    1. Click the Landlord Dashboard tab
    2. Slide the toggle to On for Tenancy if it isn’t already and tick Documents
    3. Click Save
    4. Click Confirm
  7. For the Tenant Portal
    1. Click the Tenant Dashboard tab
    2. Slide the toggle to On for My Tenancy if it isn’t already and tick Documents
    3. Click Save
    4. Click Confirm



If the Landlord Dashboard or Tenant Dashboard tabs aren't visible, you'll need to toggle on each portal within the Manage Modules section of PropertyFile

How to share a document


If you intend to share a document immediately after enabling document sharing, please refresh Alto

  1. Click Tenancies on the main toolbar
  2. Select the relevant tenancy from Recent & Favourite Tenancies
    1. Alternatively, find the tenancy using the Search Tenancies bar in the top right
  3. Click Documents on the side menu

The lower half of each document will have a white background, indicating that the document is available for sharing.

  • A document that displays the L and/or T icon in a purple state highlights that it is shared with the Landlord and/or Tenant
  • A document that displays the L and/or T icon in a white state highlights that it isn’t shared with the Landlord and/or Tenant

To change the Sharing Status and share a document:

  1. Click the L and/or T icon on the document you wish to share
  2. Once it’s changed colour to reflect the new sharing status, click Save



Within Timeline, a timeline entry will be created confirming that the selected documents have been shared to the specific tenancy individuals at that date and time

Viewing documents in PropertyFile

All landlords and tenants will be able to view the document(s) regardless of their PropertyFile status.

If you want to view the landlord's/tenant's PropertyFile to confirm what they can see and access from their end:

  1. Click the tenancy Overview on the side menu
  2. Click the landlord's/tenant's name
  3. From their contact Overview, click PropertyFile on the side menu
  4. Click Login as Admin
  5. If it's for a landlord, the Landlord Portal displays. Click Tenancies
    1. Any documents that are shared with the landlord are available within the Tenancy Documents section. Click on the document to download and view it
  6. If it's for a tenant, the Tenant Portal displays. Click My Tenancy
    1. Any documents that are shared with the tenant are available within the My Documents section. Click on the document to download and view it



Once documents have been set as shared within Alto, please allow up to 15 minutes for the documents to be visible within the Tenancy Documents section for landlords, and the My Documents section for tenants

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