Notify your marketing portals and update your website

Chris Horroll
Chris Horroll
  • Updated


Wherever your properties are advertised online, you'll need to redirect the feeds to Alto. This will help to ensure that the most up to date information on the properties in your portfolio continue to feed through to all web portals and to your website.

The process for updating these feeds is slightly different for web portals than for your website. Both are outlined below.

This article includes: 

Notify your marketing portals

As soon as possible, you should contact all of the marketing portals you work with to make them aware of your planned move to Alto.

Once your Alto account is active:

  • All of your media will be uploaded. The upload time can vary between portals, but this is generally done in real time, or within 24 hours. It's vital that you don't request the data feed be switched over until the media load is complete

Then, one of the first tasks you will need to do when you log in is:

  • Check your active properties and ensure they have the Publish to Web box ticked
    (This marks them as ready to upload to your chosen portals)
    For more information on how to do this, click here

Once the media load is complete and your properties are ready to upload, you can then contact your marketing portals to request that the data feed be switched to feed from Alto. If you would also like online enquiries and web statistics to feed through to Alto, these should also be requested at this point.

In addition to contacting your marketing portals, you should also contact the Alto Support team at this stage to confirm your authorisation for activating the portal feeds.
Click here to Submit a request to the Alto Support team, and complete the contact form.

Update your website

If you currently upload properties to your own website from Jupix, it’s likely that your website team will need to make some changes to accept the feed from Alto. Your website team can start this process now so that it will be ready when you start to use Alto.

Please provide them with the Client Feed API User Guide which will give them the information they need to ensure your properties can be uploaded from Alto.

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